The AP-7 registers 30 kilometers of retentions in the return operation of Holy Week

The debate usually starts already on Saturday. Most likely it will be at mealtime. “When are we coming back? What time?” It is Holy Week and the answer refers to a lot of variables, but it revolves around two basic questions: the mona and the fear of traffic jams. In the first, if there are children in the equation, send the logistics with godparents. In the second, we are all a bit like soccer coaches, pandemic experts and traffic specialists. And that is how, in these easter daysmobility drinks from a mixture of improvisation, climate, commitments and tradition. And the thing, in 2022, has gone more or less like this. A quiet Sunday and a Monday that has gotten worse. As for retention, of course. And with the AP-7as usual, as the main protagonist, especially in the south of Barcelona, ​​with about 30 kilometers of circulation with retentions.

On Sunday it closed with 195,000 vehicles that at 9:00 p.m. had already returned to the Barcelona metropolitan areathe thermometer often used to calibrate the traffic in traffic operations of this caliber. There are many but they do not even represent 35% of the expected total. Thus, Easter Monday has started with 375,000 cars still to go back home. Until 12 noon there were already 325,000 who had returned, and at four in the afternoon, 423,000 (74% of those expected). To all of them, however, we must add those who have mobilized only during this day to comply with the liturgy of the mona.

The AP-7 takes the palm of the return operation, with those 40 kilometers at different points, most of them, as it passes through Tarragona. It might be thought that the end of tolls (from September 2021) has a lot to do with it, and it certainly is. But if you look at the analogous road, the one he used to use to avoid scratching his pocket, the situation is not much more flattering: 10 kilometers from retentions on the N-340seven in El Vendrell and three in Ametlla de Mar. The most complicated point, in the Town of Montornes, where the highway has lost a lane as a result of an accident and concentrates six kilometers of congestion. All the problems, to the south of Barcelona, ​​while to the north (those coming down from the Cerdanya or Ripollès by the C-16 or the C-17 or those who return from the Costa Brava by the AP-7 or the C-32) no major problems have been reported for the time being.
