The anti-aging treatments that are in fashion

They are like waves. trends in aesthetics, especially in the facial, are changing and arriving in waves. And while a few years ago it was quite noticeable when someone had a procedure, today the premise of the best doctors is: the less noticeable, the better. The key is to look increasingly fresh and rejuvenated, like someone who has returned from a good vacation. The magic for this lies in the arrival of novel treatmentswhich add technology and promise more and better results.

double technology

March is a strong month to return to the basics: recover dehydrated skinwith light loss and combat damage from overexposure to the sun. “We begin by performing a facial scan for a comprehensive evaluation and we put together the individualized protocol according to age, skin phototype, degree of laxity and tissue density. We have all the injectable products based on different active ingredients to hydrate, repair, stimulate and regenerate, and the latest non-invasive technologies to work on texture, spots, flaccidity and hair removal”, describes Dr. Fabiana Zelaya, surgeon and director of a aesthetic center that bears his name.

This month they incorporated a new technology called Emface, which for the first time combines synchronized radiofrequency energies and HIFESTM (High-Intensity Focused Electromagnetic Treatment) to treat the skin and muscles of the face at the same time. “Through the synergies of these technologies, it is possible to simultaneously stimulate collagen, elastin, and hyaluronic acid and increase muscle tone in the forehead, eyebrows, cheeks, and jaw line,” the expert describes. It is a needle-free treatment that does not require recovery time and promises 37% fewer wrinkles and 30% more tonicity. It consists of six sessions.


At Clínica Lemel, run by Dr. Velia Lemel, they also incorporated Emface. “This is the first and only needle-free procedure that can treat facial skin and muscle in a 20-minute session. Between 4 and 6 sessions are carried out and the result is less wrinkles and more muscle strength ”, describes the doctor, a defender of this treatment because for some time now, she has also obtained great results with the body version, the Emsculpt Neo. “It is super revolutionary, because it is the combination of two very powerful technologies. With this we can work the abs, buttocks, arms and legs, ”she relates.

aesthetic treatment

How does it work? The non-invasive technology of high intensity focused electromagnetic waves (HIFEM) induces supramaximal muscle contractions (up to 20,000) that cannot be achieved through voluntary contractions. When the muscle is exposed to these types of contractions, it responds with a profound remodeling of its internal structure that results in the construction of new muscle fibers, while the fat that is on top of the muscle is burned. “It can even be used alone to build muscle when the patient is very skinny,” explains Lemel. Like the Emface, it has no recovery time or rest. “Today, the aim is to treat all aspects of aging, and this technology achieves this by treating muscle volume and loss of collagen in both the face and body.”

With needle and laser

From Dr. Fabián Bottegal’s office, meanwhile, they point out that what has evolved the most are the techniques and procedures to improve the use of the tools that have been available for a few years, such as hyaluronic acid, botulinum toxin and lasers. “A clear concept is not to apply filler substances, such as hyaluronic acid, only to give volume, but rather by injection in certain areas, in order to achieve a lifting effect on the entire face, by replenishing certain areas that were losing volume”, explains the doctor.

aesthetic treatment

Aware that there have been excesses in the use of these tools (Madonna’s face is a good example), today the application of low-density hyaluronic acid is recommended in certain tension points of the face, to also stimulate the dermis to form new collagen and elastic fibers. “This biostimulation is performed in the office with topical cream anesthesia, leaving only a slight redness in the area for a few hours. The ideal is to make two applications every two weeks and the duration is six months ”, details Bottegal.

Regarding lasers, the specialist explains that non-ablative lasers, such as radiofrequency, have evolved in their action to achieve greater effectiveness in their main objective: facial and body skin tension. They did it by going deeper without hurting the surface of the skin, which also allows you to continue normal life immediately. “This is another very current characteristic, patients prefer treatments that do not involve being at home or resting for a long time,” adds the doctor.

aesthetic treatment

Finally, treatments can also be preventive and comprehensive. Like the one carried out by Dr. Julia Guarrera, a doctor specializing in Orthomolecular Medicine and Integrative Nutritional Supplementation, with an approach that seeks to restore the amount of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients present in the body, so that it works better and diseases can be prevented.

It does this based on three pillars: specific changes in habits, oral supplements under medical prescription and injectable treatments through which the body is nourished with everything that it is missing. “The nutrient cocktail is defined based on the individual needs of each patient, determined by an extensive questioning carried out in the medical consultation, laboratory analysis and other analyses. It is essential to take into account the biological and clinical individuality of the patient on the day of the consultation to define the treatment scheme”, the professional details. The assiduity also varies according to the patient, there are those who carry out the treatment with a preventive and anti-aging objective and return every certain number of months or those who are under treatment for chronic pathologies who do so more regularly. “It is an avant-garde treatment in preventive medicine”, summarizes the doctor.

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