The anthem is not enough

The Barca has lungs Pedri, Busquets, (the Sevillian) Gaviand the Seville It has an anthem that lights up the stands. But the anthem is not enough. Lopetegui has signed a way of being that does not guarantee success: he tends to blame the air, or anyone, for what happens to him, and what happens to him is that he does not even apply the rhythm of that hymnical music that the Sevilla fan chants with a enthusiasm that this time was diluted as they break “things that nobody breaks, but they broke & rdquor ;.

That inverted commas is a verse of Pablo Nerudaand now alludes with poetic authority to that Seville broken. He was not broken last night only by his shortcomings, but above all by the attacking convictions of the Barcelona. He reigned in the field the theory (and practice) of xavi, inherited from Pep Guardiola. Football is played here from one’s own goal, so the Barca now represents a treasure of the game: the total play.

No one is absent from that spell. There is no footballer on the field, nor the goalkeeper, who does not have that lesson well learned. Ter Stegen he no longer risks, but the good habit of playing the ball even when surrounded is much more than an order: it is a style. forwards, even DembeleThey also know that soccer is not the party that is practiced in someone else’s area. The danger that lurks in the own area has to be fought by the gunners, so there we have the brilliant (and yesterday, also, stupidly self-centered in the use of his opportunities) Dembélé going down to seek remedies for the Sevilla attack.

There is in this Barca (in last night, in these days) the radical obligation of self-criticism, and that makes its players reliable. Of course, that attitude stems from the most illustrious side of current Barcelona football: that of Xavi is a perpetual cry of authority, so that it can be said that in addition to those who are on the field now also plays that elderly boy who learned from great teachers that Barça is a style of play, a soul, a lung and a requirement: football is music, a passion for interpreting it and, in front of the public, for enjoying it.

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Faced with this legion of virtues, the Seville opposed a will that falls short. The will, neither in football nor in anything else, is insufficient to intimidate opponents, an associative intelligence is needed that this time at least was not perceived in the team in whose direction he languishes Lopetegui. On the contrary, the Seville he let the enthusiasm out of the visitor, and that must be a very strong wound in the heart of Seville, whose anthem was watered down like a tear that fell without force on the Guadalquivir river.

a few lines about Lewandowski. A blessing for Barça and for the boys who want to learn to play football. It is like Messi, a footballer with music, and that makes him a teacher, an athlete who wants others to do well, who is happy to play and who has given Barça a morale that seemed diluted a little less than two months ago. Lewandowski it is a hymn in itself, a way of being, an artist.
