The Animal Shelter

“Who are the shelters? A very versatile, relentlessly honest and yet atmospherically melodic combo with only their own songs….in other words, a perfectly normal rock band!!! How are the shelters? Willing to experiment. Across genres. Unconventional. Style: crossover of rock, punk, alternative, pop, metal. Find the drawer you want to put them in! The animal shelter’s territory is in Dortmund, she […]

“Who are the Tierheims? A very versatile, brutally honest and yet atmospherically melodic combo with only their own songs….in other words, a perfectly normal rock band!!! How are the Tierheims? Experimenting. Cross-genre. Unconventional. Style: Crossover of rock, punk, Alternative, pop, metal. Find the pigeonhole you want to put them in! The Tierheims’ territory is in Dortmund, they…
