The anger of Marcela Tauro in “Intruders”

Recently, Marcela Taurus he starred in a harsh anger against the model camila homs after she refused to give an interview for Intruders (America TV)the show of which Taurus is a panelist. “She’s a diva and the truth seemed fourth to me”, sentenced Tauro, adding: “It is not used anymore and let them know that it is disrespectful and polite to close the car door like that,” and that is when the program’s mobile phone followed Homs to try to get a note, it closed the door of his vehicle and avoided making statements. “Something must have happened to him, Marce,” he guessed. Karina Iavicolianother of the panelists: “Well, if they want to justify it, we justify it. They become divas. It’s our fault that we give them balls. Send a cell phone for this girl? Forgive me,” Taurus retorted.

However, this is not an isolated case, since Taurus had several media anger in recent times. Without going any further, a few days ago the comedian Martin Bossi he was invited to the program, and both had a crossover. Taurus started asking Bossi provocative questions about his life, and the actor was reticent. As soon as Taurus consulted Bossi about his love affairs, he, faithful to his humor, answered protecting himself: “Uh! What is the Taurus in this program for? That heavy! Go have an orange juice!” However, Taurus answered more harshly: “Well, I’m leaving! Let’s see, tell me, what do you want to talk about? You won’t handle me what I can ask! Everything bothers you! You are Marcela Tinayre! You came with the worst of waves!”replied the journalist, referring to the phrase immortalized by the daughter of Mirtha Legrand: “I’m going to go with the worst of waves”. To this, Bossi tried to put the situation back together: “Well, I apologize, ask me whatever you want,” said the comedian, to which Tauro replied, still offended: “I already asked and you tell me ‘She’s already asking! ‘ And if! What did you come for?”. You put me in a situation where I was asking nonsense. What’s my fault if your ex-girlfriends speak ill of you!” Taurus declared angrily.

But these are not the only cases. Last year, in October, Taurus had a tense meeting with flower of the V, host of “Intruders”. De la V silenced Marcela Tauro and the other panelist of the program, Nancy Duré, after they unleashed a debate on the media scandal between L-Gante, Tamara Báez and Wanda Nara. “Wait, please, here is a driver and I’m talking! Today it seems that she was not there, it is a crazy thing, ”the driver complained.

Taurus did not take it well and did not speak again. Some rumors indicated at that time that the discussion continued throughout the commercial break. Although when Flor de la V returned to the air she apologized for the way in which she cut that sequence, Tauro later made statements to The nation where he expressed his discomfort: “Maybe we talked more, she cut us off in a bad way and I didn’t like it. I fucked myself and told him in a cut. Maybe at another time I would have exaggerated it more, but now I’ve learned to manage things a bit, and not take problems home with me. I also understand that driving is not easy and Flor showed that she is doing it terrific, because she amazed and dazzled everyone. What I tried to show is that we are here to add, nobody wants her place”; the journalist stated, although she clarified that these situations had already occurred: “Once I was very distressed, I couldn’t handle it, I got angry and even spoke with the authorities of the channel. I didn’t say anything on the air, but it was horrible. It is seen that later they spoke with Flor, because she downloaded five hundred changes, ”said Tauro, who stated that in general, there is a good working climate in the program.

And before, in 2019, when “Intruders” was led by Jorge Rial, Taurus also had a difficult time. Taurus had been offended when the “Intruders” journalist Alejandro Guatti He sent a message to a chat shared by the program’s panelists and that caused confusion and anger in Taurus. Everyone started joking that only the millennials in the group of panelists got the message, which made Taurus so offended that he got up from his chair and said: “Well, bye.” Faced with this attitude, Rial tried to stop her: “Stay, it’s not that bad either!”

Minutes before that event, Taurus had already had a meeting with the driver when he suggested that she had had an affair with the lawyer. Fernando Burlando, whom the entire panel had interviewed seconds before. Burlando had said goodbye to “Intruders” with the words “Greetings to all, greetings to Marce”. Rial slipped the commentary of the controversy: “Always say hello to Marce, did you see? There is an unresolved or resolved story there.” This angered Taurus, who claimed that this assumption was not true and that there had simply been sympathy between them when they shared a season of love. “Dancing for a Dream”. Rial made it clear that he did not believe him, and that he believed more in the hypothesis of a romance between them.

But that was not the first time that Taurus and Rial had a cross. In March of the previous year, she accused him on the air of having “shouted in front of everyone” in the air. The comment had arisen when they were dealing with the subject of the gender violence.

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