The ANC marked distances with Puigdemont in the meeting prior to his conference in Brussels

The ‘ex-president’ Carlos Puigdemont met on Tuesday, before his conference in Brussels, to representatives of all the prominent pro-independence actors to advance the meaning of his speech on the preconditions to start negotiations for a possible investiture pact with the PSOE. It was a cordial meeting except for the fact that the president of the ANC, Dolors Feliudistanced itself from the conciliatory tone when it was commented that this was a meeting similar to those of the so-called ‘independence G-7’.

The G-7 was the attempt to draw up a joint strategy for independence by all the actors involved, from the parties to the entities and through the Association of Municipalities for Independence (AMI) and the Council of the Republic chaired by Puigdemont. The meetings lasted almost a year but did not come to fruition because, according to the Junts version, it was ERC that did not accept that 1-O meant a current mandate, although the Republicans maintain that it was the post-convergence that dynamited it, charging against his negotiating strategy in Madrid. In any case, the desired unity was not achieved.

This is the precedent for this Tuesday’s meeting, which lasted barely an hour and was cordial. Carlos Riera, for the CUP; Xavier Antichby Òmnium Cultural; Francesc-Marc Álvaro and Teresa Jorda, by CKD; Toni Castellaas a representative of the Consell de la República, as well as representatives of the Junts leadership, among others, listened to Puigdemont advance the terms of his conference.

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In this context, it was when one of those present pointed out that this meeting was resembling the so-called G-7. Feliu immediately responded that this was not the case and that this initiative was assumed by the previous ANC secretariat, and not the current one that she presides over. In this way, Feliu distanced himself from any hint of interpretation of the meeting on Tuesday in a political key.

international mediation

The appointment continued normally because none of those present picked up Feliu’s critical glove and the tone was maintained, based on Puigdemont’s explanation of what he was going to expose publicly minutes later. The ‘expresident’ pointed out some details such as the fact that the mediation that the PSOE is demanding to start the negotiation must be of an international nature.
