The Alps became steeds larger, blijkt uit bijna 40 jaar satellite beelden

The Zwitsers used satellite data from the Alps to date between 1984 and 2021. The intention is that the mountains will be covered by the boom trees. Zegen dat in 77 percent of the area de plantengroei what toegenomen: de alpine pastures had become larger.

It also says that there is a large amount of that on the mountain slopes of the snow covered by what is spent: in 9 percent of the area that lasted during the year, in 4 percent of the name of the period of snow in the summer after. ‘Klimaatverandering heeft op dit moment al een big impact op de bergomgeving, which zichtbaar is vanuit de ruimte, en dat increased de worries over de veranderingen, which voor de toekomst been voorspeld’, Schrijven de onderzoekers vrijdag in het wetenschappelijke tijdschrift Science.

The increase in the mountains is a different one that is known to be from Centraal-Azië in the Noordpool area. There is also a saying about ‘burning’: because when the smeltwater from the glaciers comes to dry, the areas dry up. In the Alps from the onderzoekers daarvoor little aanwijzingen: in less than 1 percent of the area named the plantengroei af.

Sorts growing

‘The shell of the area is opmerkelijk, only what is affected by the day than by the rule’, says Hans De Boeck, an ecologist at the Universiteit Antwerpen, who worked in the Alps for a number of years. ‘The way it’s duidelijk dat as het warmer wordt, he sneeuw verdwijnt en de alpenweiden become bigger.’

De Boeck will do that toevoegen that ‘increasing’ a tamely large number of people is from the description of what it is in the Alps. ‘The order of the day will be larger than the pixels of the satellite image,’ says Hij. ‘Dat shows nothing over withered plants soorten ever aantrett in an alpine pasture. It is my own responsibility to be aware that the sorting of the seed can change significantly or that there is a risk in the hit: it is less accurate and critical sea ​​grassy. Because it is believed that the alpine pastures are less kleurrijk, they want the kleurige flowers to be verdwijnen. Also that can have an effect on the climate change.’

The Zwitserse additional zones are called for because the changes in the Alps from here are also considered to be possible due to changes in the climate. Enerzijds can de extra plans sea CO2 opnemen, wardoor het broeikaseffect word dempt. That effect is really minimal, I think. The plans for the alpine pastures are large for small doors, many smaller than bijvoorbeeld in the tropics. Anderzijds watched the wetenschappers dat de opwarming in het hooggebergte sooner than he sneeuw verdwijnt. The mountains zijn dan Kerder van Kleur, waardoor ze sea warmed opnemen.
