The alliances were broken in the Survivors – a tough competitor got rude starting passes

Pok Biil was voted out of the Survivors.

In the tribal council of the survivors, it was tested on what basis the alliances actually stand. FOUR

The number of survivors decreases as the competition progresses. On Sunday evening, he had to leave his adventure in the jungle Pok Bil. The man got four votes in the tribal council. Before the vote, the contestants thought that Pok would be a physically tough opponent in the future if he gets further in the competition.

Leo and Virpi had one black vote ready from the previous tribal council, so all in all ten votes were counted in the tribe.

When the result came out, Pok picked up his torch and thanked his competitors.

– This trip has been so wonderful. You will always be in my heart, he said.

Pok Biil had to travel home. FOUR

Later, the man complained to the cameras about the actions of his allies. However, according to the man, the fall did not come as a surprise.

– There was no surprise in the vote. It was a bit sad, because I trusted Virp, Sami and Julia quite a lot. One of the three cheated on me. There was nothing left in the tooth. That’s how far I got and I’m really happy about it.

Mixed Slender sprig that The same ended up voting for Pok.

In addition to Pok, he sits on the jury Wallu Valpio, which was voted out before the tribes were united. There are only seven contestants left in the competition.

Pok was perceived as too much of a threat. FOUR

In the past, journalists have dropped out of the competition Heidi Finlandex-racing athlete Markus Pöyhönensinger Joalin Loukamaaa TV star Delay VaattavaaraMiss Finland Essi Unkuri and media personality Niko Saarinen. BB winner Jasmine Yildiz fell ill, so his journey ended in the previous episode.

Survivors on Suomi Nelose and Ruudu on Sunday at 19:30. See program information on Telku.
