The Advent Calendar of emotions for adults and children

THEthe father of Positive PsychologyMartin Seligman together with Dr. Christopher Peterson, identified and defined in the late 1990s the 24 human potentials.

Advent calendar of emotions: one potential per day to train

They derive from the Virtues and represent the our strengths that characterize us. The Humanistic Coaching it is based on these strengths which are our deepest feelings, those which are significant for our happiness.

Each person has their own unique mix of potential, a mix that can also change over time. Some of these potential they can be latent (not all of them must necessarily belong to us) or repressed it causes life events and training of negative thoughts.

The Advent Calendar

To feel good it is important to be aware of your potential, but equally important is to be able to express them and put them into practice. This Advent Calendar While waiting for Christmas, it will open up a potential every day, explain its meaning from the point of view of Humanistic Coaching and help train them with simple gestures and actions in everyday life.

December 16th. Open-mindedness

For Humanistic Coaching it is the ability to change ideas and opinions in order to make correct decisions for one’s self-realization

To train open-mindedness, take a failure from your past, think about what you could have done differently, check what you can learn from what happened and how you could improve for your future

Train your child to see things from another point of view

Choose a current topic together and talk about it during dinner, evaluating the pros and cons

December 17th. Appreciation of beauty and excellence

It is the ability to admire the work of others and strive for excellence in one’s own work (not to be confused with perfection which is a utopia)

Sincerely appreciate the beauty of your friend’s dress, makeup, hair, accessories and smile.

Have your child take photos of nature or loved ones and display them at home

Take your children to see an art exhibition, a city of art, a sunset or a breathtaking landscape

Enjoy the chance to enjoy good food together (or a good wine among adults)

December 18th. Love of learning

It means the will and desire to always learn new knowledge

To cultivate a love of knowledge, sign up for an online course on any topic you like

Read many books of various genres and after reading always write a short summary of the book in your diary, and encourage your child to do the same thing

Teach your kids to cook and let them take care of dinner once a week

Visit a farm or winery to learn their production processes

December 19th. Integrity

It means authenticity, honesty, the tendency to be yourself

Sometimes we seek the approval of others by doing or accepting something that doesn’t belong to us, something we don’t feel entirely proud of. Next time stop before acting and think if it’s really your choice

It is important to set boundaries, rules, to say no; even if others don’t always like it

Don’t be afraid of criticism; There is always someone who doesn’t approve of what you say or do

Give your children space and freedom to experiment at home with emotions and feelings, even conflicting ones, and with behaviors that are not “suitable” according to the standards, do not expect them to behave like toy soldiers or good girls. Give them the freedom to be authentic at home

Since childhood we have been fighting the good girl syndrome in our daughters, their fear of not being accepted, loved, worthy, of being seen as selfish if they do things they like. Let’s show them our unconditional love even when they behave differently from our expectations

December 20th. Foresight

It is wisdom; the ability to develop the concept of good and realize it

Inspired by wise men and women, read their biographies

Exercise patience and optimism in situations that challenge you most

Think together with your children what the fundamental values ​​of your family are, and create together a plan of daily actions, even small ones, based on your values

December 21st. The hope

It is orientation to the future with optimism, it is the ability to have desires and implement strategies to achieve them

To practice, think of a bad thing that happened to you and find two good consequences

Imagine what and where you want to be in one, five and ten years, and design a path to get there

Think about your past successes and get inspired for the future

Train your children to look at the future with optimism, to be positive and proactive. Welcome all their proposals and ideas with enthusiasm, encourage them to dream big

December 22nd. Social intelligence

It is the ability to know and understand others, the ability to put yourself in others’ shoes, with empathy and sympathy

To exercise the ability to listen actively without prejudice, before starting with advice, ask yourself how the person who is telling you feels feels

Celebrate your children when they make progress (even outside of academic progress)

Let us remember that our children are people, not just students. If we know how to listen to them, they surprise us with the richness of their inner world

December 23. The love

It is the feeling for oneself and for others, it is a search for mutual happiness. It is always an act of good, both towards ourselves and towards others

Express your love with words and gestures; say you love and hug those you love

Appreciate the qualities of those you love

Accept those you love as they are but support him/her in their quest for improvement

Choose the good of those you love every day

Teach your children that love is never possession, it is never a limitation of another’s freedom

December 24th. Gratitude

It’s feeling grateful for what you have, knowing how to value the gifts received. Being able to be grateful is one of the forms of human happiness

To train gratitude, write a thank you letter to someone very important in your life, think about the gifts (especially intangible) they have given you and express your gratitude in the letter

Offer your family the exercise of expressing gratitude: for a week at dinner everyone mentions one thing they are grateful for that day

Trying to be grateful even for the negative things and being able to see them as challenges and opportunities for growth is a big step towards happiness.

