The accusation highlights the cruelty of the defendant for letting his diabetic partner die

  • Mariano Daniel Vásquez is not only credited with the murder, but also with recording his agony with his mobile phone

He did nothing & rdquor; and he ended his life. This is the thesis that he maintained this Monday Prosecutor Victor Alegret in the first session of the jury trial against Mariano Daniel Vásquez Aldave, accused of the murder of his partner, Susana CJ, on the night of June 17, 2019 at the victim’s home in Viladecans. The public and private prosecution maintain that the defendant let her die after a sugar spike and, in addition, recorded her five-hour agony with her mobile phone, ignoring her pleas. The lawyer for the victim’s family described the action as “absurd, cruel and inhuman death & rdquor ;.

The prosecution’s indictment is harsh: “During all that time he consciously and deliberately manifested a purpose to satisfy his instinct for perversity & rdquor; to “produce the victim as much suffering as possible. The defendant, he stresses, filmed the woman’s face and body in “a situation of increasing weakness, demanding help, naked and almost fainted & rdquor ;. The public ministry demands the reviewable permanent prison against Mariano Daniel Vásquez for the alleged murder.

Both the private prosecution, brought by the lawyer Miguel Capuz, and the prosecution not only requests the permanent prison sentence, another 11 years in prison for the continued ill-treatment to which the defendant subjected his partner and a crime against privacy for having recorded the victim’s agony on video to “build an alibi & rdquor ;, but that, in the end, is the main evidence against Mariano Daniel Vásquez.

nor did anything

The prosecutor was didactic and explained to the popular jury, made up of five women and four men, the function that has been entrusted to them, although he has already advanced his thesis: “When the accused should have done something, he does not do it & rdquor; and he decides not to attend to the pleas of the woman, of whom he said that she suffered battered woman syndrome. “Neither with you, nor without you, it has my ill remedies. With you because you kill me, without you because I die,” the public accusation alluded to, paraphrasing a poem or a song.

However, the harshest words during the first allegations came from the mouth of Miguel Capuz, who represents the victim’s family. “I knew perfectly well that he was killing her & rdquor ;, she blurted out, and later stressed that the defendant went to Susana’s house because she asked him for help by phone and” decides not to help her, but to kill her & rdquor ;. He forcefully assured that the defendant decided to “end her & rdquor ;, in her understanding, out of jealousy of her. “It was hate at the time”, said. She didn’t even call an ambulance.

The defendant’s defender, José Luis Bravo, He maintained a totally contrary thesis and attributed the woman’s death to a drug overdose. He denied that his client had the intention of murdering the victim who, in his opinion, cannot be considered her partner, but rather had sporadic encounters. He also denied that Vásques had previously mistreated Susana, as the accusations argue. The defendant is scheduled to testify this Tuesday. Regarding the recording that he made of the agony, he argued that it was for the woman to realize that she could not continue with her addictions.

“toxic” relationship

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Vasquez, a native of Argentina, and Susana began a sentimental relationship in February or March 2019. He was jealous and publicly made her ugly when talking to other men. Her possessive character caused her to insult her and stage scenes with people around her or in private, according to her accusations. In this context of “less price and subordination & rdquor ;, the harassment and physical aggression were constant, the accused used, according to the prosecution, “his alleged superiority of him & rdquor ;. Blows to the ribs, face and other parts of the body. The accusations maintain that it was a “toxic” relationship.

In June 2019, after the last attack, Susana collapsed. She stopped going to work at the bar she ran and shutting herself up in her home, hardly speaking to anyone and not worrying about her diet and control of the diabetes she suffered from, abusing drugs. On the night of June 17, the woman had a “progressive worsening & rdquor; She told her about her condition and called her partner, who was also diabetic. According to the accusations, the defendant did not help her and she remained “impassive”.
