the abuse of the very young “IO Donna”

Lto Cosmetic Surgery it can change a person’s life. If it “heals” discomfort it can have magnificent effects. On the contrary, theabuse of the operating table seriously damages health. THE socialespecially Instagram, instigate without caution girls and girls to achieve anatomical standards artifactsobtained through the manipulation of images.

Mirror of my desires

From the game to the problem, the step is short. Using photo filters can be an innocent pastime but it is often the gateway to teenagers merciless distortions: “Correct the tip of the nose, erase a pimple from the face, volumize the lips on the smartphone screen” – he declares Giorgio De Santisfull professor of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery at the University of Modena – “induces the very young to use plastic surgery for quickly reach aberrant aesthetic standards“. The girls post “filtered” photos, then they look in the mirror: “They don’t recognize their own body” – she explains – “and they start to dream about the scalpel“.

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Dive and influencer

In Italy the cosmetic surgery is only allowed to adults (except for a few motivated cases), but the girls torment their parents well in advance: «First of all ask for swollen lipsL’elongated “fawn” eye and other corrective maneuvers “- he says -” they want sculpted legs and huge breasts“. There breast augmentation – aimed at reaching maxi sizes – haunts girls from 20 years peaking around 25: «These needs come from the daily images of crippled beauty. ” – he states – «There is also the risk of progression or compulsion towards forms of abuse of surgery “. Premature choices are a source of trouble for a teenager: “It’s easy that way” – points out – “lose their identity“.

The sense of proportion

For a noteworthy décolleté they forget the harmony: «Self-styled surgeons implant extra large prosthesis“- he says -” really disproportionate relative to the size of the chest“. Putting 200 grams or 500 in the same leather wrap is like having a 38 foot and choosing a 35 shoe. The breast becomes hard, inflamed, in pregnancy causes mastitis and with time it produces dysmorphisms. In addition, reoperation on excessive breasts is frequent. There cosmetic surgery can be useful to feel better, socialize, take away a discomfort: “All the rest is a superstructure»- he declares -« without sobriety and good taste“.

Do you go back?

There reversibility it is an advantage retouching: “The botox for example, it loses its effectiveness after 6-7 months “- he says -” therefore it allows patients to return to the original status“. Not always however it is possible erase disasters. The model knows it well Linda Evangelista who said she underwent the cryolipolysis with devastating effects: «The results of this unconsolidated practice are uncontrollable» – he declares – «phenomena of freezing induce permanent alterations on the fat cell “. The “true” beauty of the Evangelista has been marred forever: «These episodes make us reflect on the advisability of carrying out some interventions»- he explains -« whose improvement outcome is uncertain ». Also, it is good to inquire about the safety profile of every retouching: «I am silicone fillers prohibitedi “- he says -” have been shown to provoke granulomas from a foreign body, inflammations and encystations 8-10 years after inoculation “.

Early stage breast cancer: new techniques

Early stage breast cancer: new techniques

The deception of advertising

There health advertising in the context social is often counterfeit. Pictures of pre or post intervention without any verification of information attract customers: “Anyone can promote themselves” – he says – “and dispense false promises”. Advertising runs and the very young chase it: “There is funding for expensive interventions»- he declares -« so to 50 euros a month anyone who buys bigger breasts“. Parents must know the risks and not indulge in whims: «We must help kids to love each other“- he concludes -” and take care of your body, drawing on surgery sparingly and wisely“.

Jamie Lee Curtis:

Jamie Lee Curtis:

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Easy earnings?

In Italy, every surgeon can do everything in the operating room, with the exception of the anesthetist and neurosurgeon. Therefore a cosmetic surgeon does not always specialize in plastic, reconstructive and aesthetic surgery. the difference is 5 years of study and 40 hours a week in hospital: “Anyone would happily cross the Atlantic with a pilot who has 10 thousand flight hours instead of 50” – he says – “people don’t get information, remains fascinated by the master’s certificates obtained abroad “. There SICPRE it is the only company recognized by the Ministry of Health for Plastic Surgery and welcomes only specialists among its members. “Who deals with reconstructions after tumors, burns and other pathological situations” – he explains – “he is not afraid to refuse a useless or harmful intervention. Before embarking on the wrong path, always contact trained doctors“.

