The 90-day-old bride had a baby with the help of a Ukrainian surrogate mother

Anna Campisi from the US and Mursel Mistanoglu from Turkey, who met in the Facebook group of beekeepers, had their first child together.

Anna and Mursel participated in the program for 90 days as a bride. TLC

Familiar with the 90 Days of the Bride program Anna and Mursel have had their first child. The couple, who suffered from a severe language barrier and cultural differences, overcame their difficulties and ended up living together.

Now Anna uploaded a picture to Instagram about a happy family event.

– Mursel and I are very happy to announce the birth of our son! Gokhan John was born on April 11, five weeks early.

Because Anna’s biological pregnancy would have been too high a risk because of her age, the couple ended up having a baby with the help of a surrogate mother. The baby was picked up from Lviv, Ukraine.

– I had to go to Ukraine alone, because Mursel might not have left the country anymore due to a one-time Schengen visa, Anna writes.

Due to visa issues, Mursel spent his time in Poland when Anna was looking for a baby. The Polish Dynamo Project took care of Anna’s safe visit to Ukraine.

– I didn’t have to go alone. They planned logistics, including travel to Ukraine, a safe place to stay in Ukraine and travel within the country.

Anna says they had to cross the border on foot and she got to pick up the newborn baby from Lviv.

Meanwhile, the shocking news reached Anna.

– Mursel was transported to a hospital in Poland by ambulance due to heart pain.

After picking up the baby, Anna was transported to the Ukrainian-Polish border, from where she again crossed the border on apostolic ride. He was taken to the hospital where Mursel was. Fortunately, the tests revealed the man was okay.

– Blood tests and heart were fine, Anna says.

Eventually, the family was able to continue their journey to Warsaw, from where their journey continued toward the United States.

Let me also thank the Dynamo Project, who took care of the surrogacy and the search for a safe baby for the family.

– We will be grateful to them forever! This is a non-profit group that uses donations to help get people out of Ukraine in their missions.

Anna already has three sons.
