The 7 winks of Rodríguez Larreta to Mauricio Macri in his speech

Thanks to Mauriciowith whom we started these transformations in 2007, and with whom we were able to continue and deepen from 2015 to today”, acknowledged Horacio Rodriguez Larreta to the former president Mauricio Macri at the beginning of his opening speech of the sessions in the Buenos Aires Legislature.

“Education equals opportunities. That is why a closed school is a tragedy, because every day without classes deepens the differences. Education is the key that unlocks this so unequal Argentina. This look was far from real in 2007. The system was abandoned, the children adrift, forgotten teachers and the infrastructure in an emergency,” he added, referring to the PRO management that began in the city of Buenos Aires a decade and a half ago.

In 2008, we launched our economic districts policy, which began with the inauguration of the Technological District in Parque Patricios and which today also includes the Audiovisual and Arts District, the Design District and the Wine District. We have more than 900 companies that generate 35,000 jobs,” said Larreta, also at the beginning of the Macrista administration.

“In 2019 we had a record of almost 3 million international tourists and almost 7 million Argentine tourists, thanks to the boost we gave the sector, but also thanks to the air trade policy that between 2015 and 2019 managed to better and cheaper connect our country. Today the reality is different. There are fewer airlines, we lost connectivity and They closed airports like Palomar. But we are going to resume the path that we started in 2015, which is key for the federal development of Argentina”, pointed out the now candidate for president, acknowledging an achievement of the management of Mauricio Macri at the national level.

“No country or city can develop without a State that invests in what the productive sectors and citizens need to live and progress. All the urban transformation projects that we carried out in the City from 2007 to today are framed in this spirit. challenge was immense from the start.e all remember the photos of Juan B. Just when it was raining. The groups almost sailing, the people with the water up to their waists, the desperate merchants,” he also pointed out.

“At first they didn’t believe us, but when four years later we finished the drainage work of Arroyo Maldonado The problem was solved and the same thing happened during my administration when we piped the Vega stream”, Rodríguez Larreta marked another of the high points of the Macrista management in CABA, which gave rise to the famous “no more flooding” of the former president.

“What to say about the revolution that was the Metrobus, which gives time back to millions of Argentines. They also told us that we were crazy. Today the results are seen. People travel faster and the Metrobus has already reached other cities”, he concluded with another work projected in the time of Mauricio Macri: in 2011 the Juan B. Justo Metrobus was inaugurated.

“Before, In 2007, those who wanted to be treated at a public health center in the City had to go through different neighborhoods without the certainty that they will be cared for. They attended hospitals or rooms without essential supplies, most of the time collapsed and without beds to receive them,” he concluded. Rodriguez Larreta with his winks to Mauricio Macri.

by RN

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