The 7 key moments of the debate to three of Sánchez, Abascal and Díaz

Without major interruptions, in a calmer tone and without Alberto Núñez Feijóo. This is how the three-way debate has gone Pedro Sanchez, Santiago Abascal and Yolanda Diaz on RTVE. The President of the Government and the Second Vice President have shown their great complicity and have joined forces against the head of the Vox list, relating him at all times to the absent leader of the PP. Here are the six great moments to understand what happened in the last debate of this electoral campaign.

The debate had been marked for days by Feijóo’s decision not to participate. “We would have liked, as always, to offer all angles. Unfortunately, much to our regret, it has not been possible“, the RTVE presenter started, Xabier Fortes. Both Sánchez and Díaz have made an effort to note the absence of the PP leader and have also taken the opportunity to link him directly with Abascal. “Feijóo and Abascal’s proposals represent the same thing,” said the Sumar leader who, at one point, asked Abascal what she thought her ally had photos of in the past with the drug trafficker Golden Martial.

Sánchez and Díaz against Abascal

From the first moment, Sánchez and Díaz have made tandem against the leader of Vox refuting the data he offered and without entering into discussions between them. Sánchez has accused the far-right party of “deny scientific evidence” and to always bet on “hate, insults and lies.” Díaz, for his part, has chosen to confront Abascal through the data and directly questioning the Vox leader on some issues.

Abascal without offering data

“We are going to attend live what this legislature and this government have defined for four years, the lies of Mr. Sánchez. We will see how he tries to confuse us with a glut of conveniently selected, manipulated or directly false economic data”, with these words the Abascal debate began and this idea was repeated throughout the hour and a half that the debate lasted. Even, during the final minute.However, although he has criticized the situation in Spain and that all the economic indicators are negative, the leader of Vox He has not provided any specific information. and many of his accusations have been false.

Sánchez values ​​Díaz

The PSOE leader has referred to Díaz at various times as “vice president”, recognizing her position in the current coalition government, and has valued the labor reform promoted by the also Minister of Labor. “If I can, I will rule with Mrs. Diaz“, Sánchez has sentenced in the section on agreements before claiming that the coalition Executive has worked “in a very loyal and also very effective way“. Even so, after one of Díaz’s interventions, Sánchez wanted to show himself more presidential. “We have to move forward, but with our feet on the ground,” he told him.

Díaz is presented as the useful vote

The Vice President of the Government has also been very close to Sánchez, addressing each other at various times during the debate. However, Díaz has made a greater effort to distance himself from the PSOE leader, making it clear that they have a different position on mortgage, pension and immigration matters. In addition, she has presented herself as the useful vote. “I ask directly to concentrate the vote in adding to revalidate the government of Spain“, he said. Sánchez, on the other hand, has not made references of this caliber.

The law of ‘only yes is yes’

The Vox leader has brought up the ‘only yes is yes’ law and the lowering of sentences for more than a thousand rapists and has accused the Government of putting women “in danger”. The response from Sánchez and Díaz has been forceful. “We always stand up for women and sometimes we make mistakes. You guys they always make mistakes because they support the macho“, Sánchez snapped at him. The vice president, for her part, accused him of encouraging sexist violence: “They kill us because we are women and Vox denying violence against women causes that“.

Rifirrafes between Abascal and Díaz

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A separate chapter deserves the scuffles between Abascal and Díaz. The Vox leader has charged harshly against the trans law with false statements, assuring that the norm “doomed to irreversible mutilation and irreversible drug treatment.” “I ask you to stop laughing at us,” Díaz snapped. In a dialectical clash, the vice president has responded: “I’m not afraid of you, Mr. Abascal“It has not been the only clash, Díaz has also demanded that the Vox leader apologize for pointing out that the author of the murder of a woman in early July in Madrid was a foreigner when in fact he was Spanish. “But are you giving orders to me, you represent the hammer and sickle?“, Abascal told him.

They have also clashed when the leader of Vox has said that Bildu supported the labor reform, a statement that Díaz has not taken a second to come out to deny. The last scuffle was almost at the end, when the leader of Sumar asked Abascal about the relationship between Feijóo and the drug trafficker Marcial Dorado. The head of the far-right list has made him ugly that he criticizes someone who cannot defend himself and has pointed out that Díaz has photographs with Latin American dictators.
