The 5 things you can regret before you die according to a study

11/13/2022 at 08:00


Nurse Bronnie Ware has worked with people in their last days for decades

One of the commandments to have a full life is to have been more authentic

When we receive a terminal diagnosis, our lives take a 180 degree turn and we have to prepare for the worst. Bronnie Warea well-known Australian nurse, has worked for decades caring for patients in their last days of life, and therefore has explained in a blog what are the 5 things they regret the most.

Blog that has now become the book The five commandments to have a full life.

  • Haven’t lived a more authentic lifenot having the courage to do what you want at all times.
  • not having worked so much, enjoy life without work stress. Not having had more time for you.
  • Not having the courage to express feelings.
  • Not having kept friendshaving let them disappear with the passage of time.
  • not be happier. In general, many of these patients told this nurse that they would have loved to be happier.

Basically, it is in our last days when we look back and remember how our life has been. A balance that helps us feel better about ourselves, and leave this world calmly and peacefully.
