The 4 books to read of the week on the power of making things happen

Land editorial choices on four books to read of the week: from Manifesting – the power to make things happen to two texts examining anxiety and depression.

Books what a passion!  Who do we trust to choose them?

Books what a passion!  Who do we trust to choose them?

1/ Books to read. The anxiety of the hummingbird

Books to read.  The anxiety of the hummingbird

Why read it

The hummingbird, in addition to being one of the most fascinating animals in the worldprotagonist of myths and legends handed down from antiquity to today, He has a secret that perhaps not everyone knows: it’s his anxiety that keeps him alive.

That’s right: his is a continuous movement for survival, and this anxiety for life is his most sophisticated defense mechanism.

A defense mechanism that we humans also have: anxiety is a signal from our unconscious to tell us that something is wrong, that it is time to stop, listen to ourselves, understand the problem that aroused that feeling of anguish in us and find a way to solve it to start again.

The journey of begins from this premise Thomas Leoncini discovering the human and profound causes of anxiety.

Between pauses for reflection, enlightening ideas, phrases to write down and always keep with you and practical exercises to learn to know yourself, the psychologist outlines a new internal alphabet to be able to manage the symptoms that anxiety produces, distorting the common sense of this word, so feared only because it is not understood.

No longer a mere term to define a psychological condition, but interpreted here with the positive acronym I still don’t know how to interpret myself well enough.

In this sense Leoncini revolutionizes the concept of anxiety as we know it today, showing that, by learning to know it thoroughly, it is possible to establish an alliance with it and stop fearing it.

Among these pages are the symbolic keys for open the doors of your inner world and thus begin a new, luminous path of awareness.

Info. Thomas Leoncini. The anxiety of the hummingbird. Sperling & Kupfer. 17.90 euros.

2/ Books to read. My B side (polar)

Books to read.  My B side (polar)

Why read it

“My B(polar) side” by A. Andrea Pinna, known to the general public by the name of his Instagram account “Leperledipinna”: a memoir that addresses the theme of mental suffering, without losing the irreverent ironic streak of its author.

From the darkest moments to incredible hallucinatory episodes, from the manic excitement of the up phase to the dark malaise of the down phase, from the requests for help up to the decisive meeting with the psychiatrist who directed him towards the most suitable therapy for him.

Pinna censors nothing, delving lucidly among the most painful memories but without ever losing his irreverent ironic streak.

Because, thanks to adequate medical therapy and emotional support, Andrea learned to live with the disease and rediscovered his unmistakable ability to see the absurd side and paradoxically funny about every situation.

My B(Polar) Side is a rollercoaster ride, a courageous contribution to the public discourse on mental health, and a message of encouragement to anyone who has encountered psychiatric illness on their path.

Info. A. Andrea Pinna. My B side (polar). HarperCollins. 17 euros.

3/ Books to read. Uterus on the way

Books to read.  Uterus on the way

Why read it

“What does the uterus do when it isn’t preparing to host a baby, isn’t feeding a baby, isn’t delivering a baby, and isn’t recovering from hosting a baby?”

In this book Leah Hazard starts from these questions to put questioning clichés, narratives that have been shared for too long, statements that have little to do with science, pto guide us to discover the “true history of the place we come from”.

And it does so by making use of a vast scientific literature but also by drawing on direct testimonies.

The starting point is that the way in which this organ is treated reflects an idea of ​​the feminine and femininity, with all the consequences of the case and the repercussions on the way in which we deal with issues such as conception, pregnancy, childbirth, but also the cycle or menopause.

Let us therefore prepare ourselves to look at things with new eyes that we took for granted or that we have simply removed, and to surprise ourselves by discovering new ones, accompanied by brilliant, ironic writing, vibrant with passion and, at certain moments, with righteous indignation.

Info. Leah Hazard. Uterus. Ponte alle Grazie. 19.80 euros

4/ Books to read. Manifesting. The power to make things happen

4/ Books to read.  Manifesting.  The power to make things happen

Why read it

Even though it might seem like pure magic, manifesting is much more.

Finally a book that explains the phenomenon we talk about so much in all its forms, highlighting the enormous potential of this practice in everyday life.

Page after page, Bettina Lemke shows us that it is possible to influence what happens through thoughts, feelings, beliefs, concrete actions, to the point of shaping the reality that surrounds us.

But how?

First of all, the author invites us to become aware of the creative power that is in each of us, teaching us to draw on our desires and training motivation, and then “reprogram” the mind thanks to positive affirmations and visualizations and ignite that enthusiasm that will make us shine with our own light.

With the help of tools such as the vision board, numerous practical exercises and many suggestions we will be able to embark on a path of manifesting the objectives that are most important to us, develop step by step the projects we care about most and thus prepare the ground for our personal fulfillment .

Bettina Lemke works as a translator, author, curator and editorial consultant near Munich.

Info. Bettina Lemke. Manifesting. The power to make things happen. 3.20pm.

