The 20 most successful horror soundtracks in the ranking





Appropriately for Halloween, the most clicked scary soundtracks were evaluated in a new study on the subject of horror films on Friday (October 21). You can read here which tracks made it into the ranking and made the highest profit via Spotify.

The provider has listed the 48 most played scary movie scores according to their survey. Based on that a rating of the 20 most listened works, sorted by the number of views via Spotify. The evaluated data is based on the status as of October 18, 2022.

The 20 most played horror soundtracks

The study showed that the music for “Dracula 2000” (2000), including artists such as Linkin Park and Saliva, was played most frequently on Spotify. According to the current status, the work has more than 445 million clicks 1,655,915.35 euros brought in (you can read here whether the amount of Spotify payouts is fair or unfair). In second place is “Tim Burton’s The Nightmare Before Christmas” (1993) with about 1,143,341.69 euros in license income and more than 300 million plays on Spotify. In third place are the pieces to “The Lost Boys” (1987) with over 35 million Spotify plays and over 132,632.44 euros in profits.

Top 20 most streamed horror soundtracks on Spotify
Source: (

The most played songs from horror movies

Linkin Park’s “One Step Closer” from “Dracula 2000” (2000) is on the winner’s podium with 415 million streams and more than 1.5 million euros in royalties from Spotify. This is followed by “This Is Halloween,” composed by Danny Elfman, from “Tim Burton’s The Nightmare Before Christmas” (1993) with over 324,194.60 euros Spotify revenue and over 87 million plays. In third place is “Halloween Theme”, composed by John Carpenter, from “Halloween” (1978).

The 10 most streamed tracks from horror movies on Spotify
Source: (

You can listen to the first-placed soundtrack for “Dracula 2000” here:




