The 10 concerts to celebrate Christmas in Barcelona

Rediscovering tradition is easy at these parties. There are many shows and concerts that celebrate Christmas. Here are 10 proposals to enjoy in Barcelona this year.

Magical experience that moves the famous tale by Charles Dickens with music of the wise Albert Guinovart and images on sand, drawn ‘in situ’ and projected on a screen. Borja González from the Ytuquepintas company is the specialist in representing the scenes visually with few and accurate strokes, and the music is performed by the Amics de la Unió Children’s Choir, together with the orchestra of the Gran Teatre del Liceu. Recommended from 8 years.

high school Sunday 11, 11.30 a.m. 10-29 euro.

Bach and Handel at the Palau

An evening of sacred music with two Baroque masters, Handel and Bach. Handel’s brilliant and celebratory psalms coupled with two Bach cantatas, one to welcome the First Sunday of Advent and one to the arrival of Christ. Pau Jorquera in front of the Bach Collegium Barcelona and the Chamber Choir of the Enric Granados Auditorium of Lleida conduct the concert with Maria Espada, soprano, and Joan Francesc Folqué, tenor beside winners of the Salvat Bach Scholarship 2023: Maëlys Robinne, soprano; Gabriella Noble, mezzo and Timothy Edlin, bass. You can book a tour with an audio guide through the Palau’s modernist auditorium before the concert.

Palace of Music. Sunday 11. 17.30 hours. From 30 to 45 euros.

This is how Jerez sings at Christmas

The Teatre Apolo welcomes the team of ‘This is how Jerez sings at Christmas’ to show us that the zambomba returns with force. Joy and feeling, guitars, clapping, singing and dancing come together in a flamenco show full of tradition with the idea of ​​transmitting hope and excitement in the celebration of the arrival of the son of God to the rhythm of Christmas carols and songs. The Andalusian celebration that took place in neighborhood patios and corrals has spread for years to many flamenco clubs and neighborhoods.

Apollo Theatre. Monday 12.20 p.m. 30 euros.

The Windsbach Boys Choirone of the most renowned white male voice choirs in Germany and the Seville Baroque Orchestraa, a great specialist in early music, offer the JSBach’s ‘Christmas Oratorio’ conducted by Ludwig Böhme. As soloists are Isabel Schicketanz, soprano; Marie Henriette Reinhold, tall; Patrick Grahl, tenor and Thomas Laske, bass. Bach with historicist criteria to revive Christmas faithful to tradition.

Palace of Music. December 13th. From 34 to 124 euros.

Christmas concert with accordions

It is not usual to listen waltzes and polkas by Strauss with accordions. This music plus compositions by Piazzolla, Falla and Liveamong others, completes the program prepared by the Barcelona Chamber Orchestra of Accordions (OCAB), founded in 1948 by Pepita Sellés. It is worth discovering the first chromatic accordion orchestra created in Spain, famous for its fidelity of interpretation. A different and singular concert.

Auditorium Saturday 17, 6:30 p.m. 14-22 euro.

The versatile Argentine countertenor Franco Fagioli come back but this time will direct ‘The Messiah’ of Georg Friedrich Handel with the Orchestra de l’Opéra Royal de Versailles and the Chamber Court which will be repeated on the 17th and 18th at the Chapelle Royale in Versailles. She will count as vocal soloists with Marie Lys (soprano), Margherita Maria Sala (alto), Pablo Bemsch (tenor) and Alex Rosen (bass).

Palau Catalan Music. Thursday, December 15, 8:00 p.m. 20-85 euro.

Marta Mathéu celebrates Christmas with the Municipal Band

One of the great Catalan lyric sopranos, Marta Mathéu, performs with the Municipal Band directed by José R. Pascual-Vilaplana and has more and more followers. The varied program includes from the ‘Catalan Christmases’ by Salvador Brotons at the premiere of a new version adapted for symphonic band of ‘Four popular Catalan songs’, by Albert Guinovart. ‘A Christmas overture’, by Nigel Hess, will open your mouth, a piece inspired by different Christmas carols.

Auditorium Sunday 18. 18 hours. 12-16 euro.

‘The Messiah’ participatory

Handel’s oratorio is a Christmas classic and takes on another dimension performed by 500 amateur singers who unite their voices in a unique concert with the Cor de Cambra de Granollers, the Virolet children’s choir and voices of the Symphonic Voices Choir, directed by Manel Valdivieso. The concert has the fantastic formation Vespres d’Arnadi and soloists like Leonor Martínez, soprano; Cristina Segura, contralto; Jorge Navarro, tenor and Josep-Ramon Olivé, baritone. Auditorium Friday, 23. 20 hours. €10-45.

Rubén Gimeno, former head of the OSV, will also direct ‘The Nutcracker’ with the visual contribution of the sand drawings of the Borja Ytuquepintas Company Y Lluís Posada, as narrator. I know it’s about a reduced version of the ballet of just over an hour in which the popular tale of the tin soldier and the ballerina is explained with music and imaginative lines on sand performed live and projected on a screen.

Palace of Music. Sunday 25, 7:00 p.m. Friday, January 6 and Saturday, January 7, both at 6:00 p.m. 28-48 euros

Concert of Sant Esteve

The Friends of the Arts participate this year in the traditional Concert of Sant Estevecarried out as it is tradition by all the great choral family of the Orfeó Català at the Palau de la Música Catalana. It will offer ‘Vides llunyanes’ live for the first time, a Christmas carol recorded with the Orfeó Català and they will sing another song that they prefer not to reveal. The artists associated with the Palau will have a special role. By Jordi Domènech the Christmas carol suite ‘I va arribar Janus’ will premiere which includes the poem ‘Adorm l’afany’ by Eduard Escoffet and by the composer Ferran Cruixent, the Cor de Cambra will perform ‘Advent’. Tickets often sell out. It is broadcast live by Palau digital and TV3.

Palace of Music. Monday 26. 7:00 p.m. 20 euros.
