That’s why there were more votes cast in Berlin than voters

A man holds his ballot paper in his hands (symbol photo)

A man holds his ballot paper in his hands (symbol photo) Photo: picture alliance/dpa

By Julian Loevenich and Danilo Gladow

Huh, where are they from? In the preliminary report by state returning officer Stephan Bröchler (60), several districts appear in which there are more votes cast than voters!

For example in Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg. According to preliminary results, there were 427 valid first votes at the polling station in Rosa Parks Elementary School – but only 416 voters. The responsible district electoral office says: “The difference is known.”

The reason for the discrepancy: fewer second votes than first votes were cast, “that is rare and happens.”

A man casts his vote in the election in Berlin

A man casts his vote in the election in Berlin Photo: Odd ANDERSEN / AFP

Means: Errors occurred when transferring the results. Because there were a total of 434 voters. It is unclear whether this explanation also applies to the phenomenon in the other constituencies affected. State returning officer Bröchler did not answer the BZ request.

In Lichtenberg, the district election committee presented the final numbers on Monday. Dennis Haustein (32, CDU) is now the official winner in constituency 3. He received 4254 votes and thus 10 votes more than the next-placed candidate of the left, Claudia Engelmann (4244 votes), and moves as a member of the state parliament.

A recount of the constituency was requested by a member of the committee. The state returning authority will decide on this next Monday – chances of success: low. The left are already threatening to go before the Constitutional Court.


Berlin Election Districts Stephan Bröchler Topic of the Month Elections
