That’s why the world doesn’t know how Schumi is doing

That's why the world doesn't know how Schumi is doing

Michael Schumacher celebrated an incredible series of titles in a Ferrari and became Formula 1 world champion five times in a row (archive photo)

Photo: picture-alliance / Lacy Perenyi

By Christopher Buhl

It’s been almost ten years since the fateful skiing accident of one of our greatest athletes of all time: on December 29, 2013 Formula 1-Giant Michael Schumacher (54, seven world titles) in the French Alps hit his head violently on a rock. Since then he has been fighting to regain full health. Only the closest circle knows how Schumi is really doing.

His lawyer Felix Damm (representing Schumi since 2008) has now given new insights – and revealed why Schumacher’s family kept the secret Schumacher’s Health condition should be guarded at all costs, even after such a long time.

Schumacher’s lawyer Felix Damm

Photo: picture alliance / dpa | Andreas Arnold

► Damm in an interview with the magazine “Legal Tribune Online” (LTO): “We also considered whether a final report on the state of health could be the right way. But that wouldn’t have been the end of it and constantly updated water level reports would have had to be made.”

Immediately after the accident, there was a risk of losing control of rumors and reports about Schumi’s condition, explains Damm – at that time the doctors gave press conferences on the current status. “This was actually content that was thematically classified as privacy-related. Until then it was actually completely taboo.”

Regarding the strategy of the Schumacher family and their lawyers to keep the sports idol’s health secret, Damm said: “I think that the vast majority of fans can handle not knowing exactly how Schumi is doing.


German celebrities Formula 1 Michael Schumacher
