That’s why Formula E driver René Rast does without an electric car

The three-time DTM champion and current Formula E driver Rene Rast (36) has revealed that he still sticks to the combustion engine off the race track.

“I still drive a conventional car privately because of the long distances. I don’t have the time to plan the routes to charging stations where the stops take a long time. The charging infrastructure is a big problem,” he explains in an interview with the Picture.

In Formula E, Rast drives for McLaren, a team that is also active in Formula 1. But in contrast to the booming motorsport premier class, the electric series enjoys significantly less attention, as Rast knows: “The general motorsport fan has an aversion to electric. It has to be loud, it has to smell and the engines have to be heard. But unlike in Formula 1, you never know who will win in Formula E. We are an extremely exciting series. The aversion has to go down and people have to be more open.”
