That’s how the night went in Newcastle

In the UK there are only two issues at the moment: Queen Elizabeth’s 70th Crown Jubilee, which has given Brits two special holidays and nationwide binge drinking. And Johnny Depp’s “Secret Guest Play” in the Far North of England. On the banks of the River Tyne he was celebrated in Newcastle and sister city Gateshead as Richard the Lionheart once was after his return from the Crusades.

“Johnny Depp is the most popular man in England,” commented the US gossip portal “TMZ” on the images that have now appeared of an unleashed Johnny Mosh Pits, which had formed at a concert by guitar veteran Jeff Beck (77). Beck announced the court-winning pirate actor’s cameo appearance with a joke: “There’s someone here… You may not know who it is…”. After that, all the dams broke.

A wall of fans pressed against the breakwaters in front of the stage. Many tried to touch Depp like he was at least the new messiah. The security forces worked up a sweat trying to keep the pack at bay.

Depp later happily signed autographs and took selfies with the local Gordies before security finally shielded him. On the way back to the hotel, he must have felt like he’d just stepped out of the Oscars or a movie premiere from his Hollywood heyday. “While the rest of his career is SO going, the performances in the UK could be a little taste of what’s to come…” according to TMZ.

The UK tabloid “Daily Mail”, known for its rough headlines, was also blown away. Triumph, Triumph – Finally a proper VIP rock ‘n’ roller again: “Cheers and applause before returning for an encore where he and Jeff Beck played the Beatles’ song ‘A Day in the Life’, which featured a warm hug ended”.

It is interesting that the lightning visit to Newcastle was not a random crazy idea from Depp. Jeff Beck told the audience that they met five years ago and worked together on an album that was “out in July”. Promotion and veneration of saints go hand in hand. Spirit brother Beck made a final comment: “But really, what has he already been through.”

The “Ordeal of Fairfax” has become a never-ending bath in the crowd. Incidentally, Depp remained taciturn to the British blue light press when it came to “feelings & assessments”. He steadfastly refused to answer questions about the verdict in the defamation trial.
