That’s how much those three cups of tea cost per day on an annual basis

Because you know what they say: every little bit helps.

Three cups of tea a day

While boiling water, you secretly use more electricity than you think. A kettle consumes a lot of power, especially in a short time. Usually such a device has a capacity of 2200 Watts, converted 2.2 kWh. But a kettle boils in an average of three minutes and not a whole hour. If you calculate further, you arrive at about 3 cents each time you crank the kettle to boil water. Doesn’t sound like much, but imagine you turn on the kettle three times a day for a cup of tea. That will cost you more than three bucks a year.

And then we have maintained an average electricity tariff of € 0.24. While nowadays energy prices are skyrocketing. Meanwhile, the rate at some energy suppliers is already 62 cents. In the worst case, instead of 3 cents, you pay no less than 7 cents each time you turn on the kettle. With three cups of tea a day you are already at more than € 75 per year.

Save on energy costs

To save on this, it is therefore wise to only boil water that you actually need. This way it takes less time for the water to boil, so you automatically use less energy. In addition, you can of course use a thermos or teapot with tea light to keep your tea warm.

Descaling the kettle is also a good tip. This can help especially if you have a kettle where the heating element is in the kettle. A calcified heating element takes a little longer to get the water hot. With one millimeter of limescale in the kettle, you have already lost more than 10 percent extra energy costs. In addition, those pieces of lime also end up in your tea. You don’t taste this, but tasty is different.

Descale the kettle

So descale your kettle as soon as possible and keep it up to date. Read here how often you should descale a kettle. There are different ways to clean your kettle. For example, in the supermarket they sell bottles with descaler that you can use. But you can also do it very simply with some home, garden and kitchen remedies. A little lemon juice goes a long way.

Does your kettle not get completely clean with only lemon? In the video below we explain what else you can try:

Source: PricewiceEnvironment CentralGLD

Apr 1, 2022
