That’s behind Sebastian Vettel’s farewell statement

The four-time world champion has often questioned things and criticized motorsport. His farewell announcement also makes it clear what no longer suits him.

Sebastian Vettel ends his Formula 1 career at the end of the season. After 16 years and four world titles. His priorities in life have shifted. He made that clear in his thoughtful video message in which he announced his end in the premier class of motorsport. Behind his words lies criticism of the racing circus and the many side effects with which the Heppenheimer can identify less and less.

Vettel says openly: “Being a Formula 1 driver brings things with it that I no longer like. Maybe these will be solved at some point. But the will to implement this change must be much stronger and lead to action today.”

Family and sustainability are the focus

It is a hidden appeal to the Formula 1 bosses – not for the first time – to become more sustainable as soon as possible, to conserve resources: “Talking is no longer enough and we can’t afford to wait. There is no alternative. The race has already started.”

Vettel’s main topics in the future: family and sustainability. He has three children. They should still be able to live well on this planet. That drives Vettel. However, Formula 1 is a business that does not necessarily contribute to the (environmental) world remaining the way Vettel would like future generations to be.
