That year is wereldwijde energy saving four keer zo greater than in 2021 | Nieuws

Energy-saving maatregelen were there in a stroomvernelling geraakt door de strong gestegen prijzen voor olie, gas en elektriciteit and most as part of the Russian accident in Oekraïne. This is done by the International Energy Agency (IEA).

The wereldeconomie went volgens het IEA dit jaar 2 percent zuiniger om met energie than last year. In the open two corona years, the winst nog terug dead 0.5 percent, onder other doordat de verduurzaming van kantors, huizen en fabrieken contracting opliep.

The current rate of savings is also very high in relation to the corona pandemic, but there are still storage requirements for the IEA nodig is in 2050 on balance CO2 sea and stoten.

Investing in bijvoorbeeld isolation van huizen in better openbaar vervoer leverden in 2022 a four keer zo big saving op than a year later.

The total requirement that the year is open to isolation, warm temperatures and other besparingsmaatregelen loopt was up to 560 million dollars. That is 16 percent sea then last year.

The applicable adviser for energy loss speaks from a possible keer point. IEA-directeur Fatih Birol started to deal with vergelijking with the oliecrisis van de jaren 70. As a result of a olieboycot door Arab olieproducerende land went overheden toen also over dead actie om auto’s, gebouwen en apparatuur zuiniger te maken.

“In the real energy crisis, we opnieuw that energy efficiency was a priority. This is of critical concern om met deze crisis om te gaan”, says Birol, which erop wijst dat deze ingrepen also van concern zijn om klimaatverandering tegen te gaan.

De bij het IEA aangesloten landen are 2000 about 680 million dollars paid op hun energie-uitgaven. That state is equal to 15 percent of all the money that that year is open to gas, electricity and fuel.
