That is why it is worth keeping a household book

The effort keeps quite a few from creating an orderly overview of their finances. But the household book has many advantages. There are a variety of ways to accurately log all of your income and expenses. Nowadays, various apps help you to keep a close eye on your finances. The entries can be made easily at any time and anywhere in the app. The user is also relieved of the math. Of course, if you prefer, you can also use a book or a computer spreadsheet in the traditional way. You can also find many free templates online. Especially if you want to get a long-term overview of your own finances, the household book can be very worthwhile. The key here is to make regular posting a routine.

Where does the money end up?

The budget book shows exactly what you have spent your money on. Because whoever conscientiously enters all income and expenses can see at the end of the month exactly where the money earned has ended up and which items have had a greater impact. It is worth arranging the income and expenses in various rough categories such as housing, groceries, travel, etc., so that the expenses are clearer.

Saving made easy

Even those who have decided to save can benefit from a household book. The available salary and the monthly or annual fixed costs should be taken into account. If you want to set a monthly budget, it pays to think carefully about how much money you want to spend on leisure activities, food, etc. each month. If you divide the amount by the number of weeks in a month or by the number of days, you can see exactly how much money is available for these expenses. By keeping the budget book precisely, you can then check exactly whether the budget has been adhered to and, if not, what the problem was. Longer-term savings goals can also be achieved more easily.

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