“That chateau will never be finished”

When Emmy bought a castle in the French Dordogne, she could see right through the dilapidated building. She saw a future, a finished castle with a vegetable garden. And she dared to pay a considerable amount for that. Her partner thought the dream was a lot less realistic and decided to stay in the Netherlands, while she would refurbish the building on her own. That should work, right?

Castle Lady Emmy

In the second episode of Castle Lady Emmy viewers are beginning to doubt it. Although the castle has prestige, a lot needs to be done. A leaking roof and faltering electricity are not the only ones to do’s on Emmy’s list. Nevertheless, she starts the vegetable garden in good spirits and drinks a glass of wine in the sun at her leisure.

The castle is never finished

The viewers know for sure: this castle will never be finished. “Has anyone ever caught Castle Lady Emmy having any sense of reality?” asks someone on Twitter. “Dear Emmy has so many ideas and ambitions, but so little focus. I’d be surprised if that chateau ever gets finished,” wrote another.

Admiration for the lady of the castle Emmy

Yet there are also people who admire the way Emmy approaches this French adventure. ‘I wish I was so open-minded in life!’ writes a viewer. “The end result is not Emmy’s goal. The road there is Emmy’s goal,” wrote another. “She has already achieved her goal and is having the time of her life.”

Source: Twitter, NPO

June 8, 2022
