“That boy has shit in his eyes”: moment of choice in ‘Boer seeks Woman’ causes jealousy | showbiz

TV‘Boer seeks Wife’ entered the final phase on Sunday evening. Farmers Garry, Kim and William chose which two women they want to continue the adventure with. But those choices were not always welcomed. “Now I feel bad that I lose weight, because she has become it.”


25 Apr. 2022

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It was drama trump when cowboy William announced his choice. He chose Amber and the mysterious Titjana, but dropouts Bapke and Valerie were anything but happy about that. When they left the track, their disappointment was loud and clear: “I hope Titjana is sincere. Shit, man. Now I think it is bad that I lose weight, because she has become it.” Valerie also speaks clearly: “Of the two people that remain, I can already delete one. I have a feeling that boy has shit in his eyes. I don’t feel like she’s here for the right reason.” Titjana herself kept it – how could it be otherwise – mysterious: “And then there were still two of us…”

The moment of choice also caused drama for Garry. Barbara chose to leave the program herself, after which only Els and Evelyn remained. Although it doesn’t seem like it will be a fun period for Evelyn, because Garry immediately admitted that he is madly in love with Els – and that it is mutual. “I can feel it down to my toes already,” Garry said. “I don’t dare look, because if she looks into my eyes, I melt away completely. I’m madly in love, I can’t describe it.” Game over for Evelyn, you might think. But looking ahead to next week showed a very emotional Garry…

Then Kim’s moment of choice went a little easier. After a candid conversation with Carole, which showed that there was mainly a friendly click, he chose Ginny with his mind and Emi with his heart. “I’ve had a good relationship with Ginny since the beginning and I’m 100% sure she would be a good fit for the company. Emi has a very good feeling, but I doubt whether farm life is for her. I have mixed feelings and could fall in love with both. So it won’t get any easier,” Kim predicted.

Next week, Garry, Kim and William will go on an individual date with their chosen ladies and it will be Elien and Cyriel’s turn to make their choice.

‘Boer seeks Wife’, Sunday at 19.55 on VTM


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