‘That accent is fake, she’s from EMMEN!’

Oops: Iris van Lunenburg, expert scientist from Shownieuws, has been caught very hard. According to media journalist Mark Koster, her posh accent is fake. “She is not from Laren, but from EMMEN!”

© SBS 6

It couldn’t get crazier: Iris van Lunenburg turns out to be the Jort Kelder of Shownieuws. Just like him, her accent also turns out to be fake. Counterfeit. False. Not authentic. And that is a bit scary. She always talks on television as if she has just walked from the poffertjes stall in Laren. “But she just comes from Emmen!”


Yvonne Coldeweijer finds it really strange. “This girl talks like she lives in the Gooi, right?” says the sap spout in her infamous podcast The Juice Show.

Yes, colleague Mark Koster agrees. “He comes from Emmen!”

Yvonne is in stitches: “Hahaha.”

Mark: “Yes, this is fake Goois.”

Iris de Mol

Yvonne has a lot of fun with it. “How do they talk in Emmen? Give it a try.”

Mark with a rustic accent: “I participated in Expedition Robinson, yes.”

Yvonne: “What you did now sounds more like Dennis Schouten. Well. A bit like that, right? Emmen… She talks like she lives in Laren!”

Mark: “Yes. But she would also like to live there. She wants to belong. And so she thinks she is a kind of Linda de Mol.”

Throw mattress

In any case, Iris can make herself understood well with her accent on the Gooise mattress. At least, that’s what Yvonne reveals: “Well, he apparently had an affair… Yes, I don’t really remember anymore, because it was two years ago. I heard that. Erland. Yes. I don’t know if Erland is a bit exotic…”

She is referring here to Erland Galjaard, who once again seems to be in a marital crisis with Wendy van Dijk. “Iris apparently also had an apartment from him at the time. Yes, I’ll have to look that up again. But she really wanted to move up in the world. Does it sound plausible? Yes or no?”

100 percent

Mark can imagine that. “Yes, 100 percent. Not at all. I know her, she came to the editorial office of Quote where I worked. It was always that hangry. I call it hangry. So sit down somewhere and say: I’m sitting here and I’m the princess now. And in that Quote editorial office I thought: yes, but what exactly are you going to do? It’s all C trimmings!”

Iris recently complained in Shownieuws about being voted out of Expeditie Robinson so quickly. However, Mark thinks that makes sense. “She kept stumbling on that beach. She wasn’t really involved.”

They don’t like you

Yvonne thinks that Iris would be better off taking matters into her own hands. “She didn’t add anything. I thought: well, nail on the head, they don’t do that at Showniews either. Yes. So: they don’t like you. Because you don’t add anything.”

Mark: “Isn’t that the essence of Expedition Robinson? If you’re not good enough, you have to leave.”
