Thalassotherapy at home: the benefits of cosmetics with Dead Sea salts

con the term thalassotherapy at home we indicate all those skin treatments, of a home nature, based on water and sea salts. «These are a real panacea for the skin of the face and body because rich in trace elements which, becoming part of various enzymatic reactions, speed up some metabolic functions of the epidermis,” he says Antonella Antoniniprofessor of the Master in Cosmetology at theUniversity of Ferrara.

Thalassotherapy at home: holiday effect sea salts

«The copper contained in sea salt, for example, stimulates the biosynthesis of collagen – continues Antonini – while manganese optimizes the synthesis of some mucopolysaccharides such as collagen».

Unlike proteins and lipids, which belong to the category of macro-nutrients, trace elements are considered micro-nutrients because the body (and therefore the skin) only needs them in small quantities. Despite this, they play an essential role in regulating the body’s functions. Some even have antibacterial, anti-viral and detox properties» underlines the expert.

The power of Dead Sea salts in cosmetics

Of all the sea salts available, those of the Dead Sea are the most popular. At least in the cosmetic field. The reason is soon explained.

Dead Sea water contains over 80% minerals and only 20% salt, as opposed to classic seawater which incorporates an average of 3% minerals and 97% salt. Following an evaporation process, the salt crystals thus obtained with the water of the Dead Sea are particularly rich in 21 minerals including magnesium, calcium, sodium, bromine, iodine and potassium.

The Dead Sea is also considered an open-air spa by celebs (@BarRafaeli/Twitter)

It is therefore not surprising that the famous salt lake, fed by the Jordan River, is considered a real open-air spa, destination for many people seeking relief for atopic eczema, psoriasis and acne problems.

Beauty brands inspired by thalassotherapy

Several brands exploit the properties of Dead Sea salts. First of all Ahava which in the heart of its formulas has an exclusive blend of aquatic origin called Osmoter™. It also applies to the facial cleanser Silky Cleansing Foam of the brand, associated with an extract of seaweed Dunaliella – also originally from the Dead Sea – with soothing properties.

Plant extracts and minerals from the Dead Sea are also encountered in the formulas of Alma Kdistributed in Italy exclusively in the perfumeries of the circuit Douglas. Must try, the Intensive Hand Cream which offers great relief to chapped skin.

Sea salts, excellent anti-cellulite

Compared to those for the face, Body creams and serums usually contain a higher concentration of marine minerals. «I am an excellent anti-cellulite ally – explains Antonella Antonini – because, by osmosis, recall excess fluids».

A do-it-yourself trick to slim down? Spread a little mud from the Dead Sea on the critical areas and wrap with a film. Rinse off after about twenty minutes.

