Thal: ‘VVV-Venlo has become a trainer cemetery’ | 1Limburg

“At VVV-Venlo it has become a trainer cemetery”, the conclusion drawn by football analyst Reginald Thal after the departure of Jos Luhukay from the Venlo club.

Luhukay and VVV-Venlo announced on Monday that the collaboration between the two parties will be terminated immediately.

Read also: Coach Luhukay does not serve out contract and leaves VVV

messy story
Thal does not have to think long about his opinion about the situation at VVV: “First of all, Luhukay said before taking office that he was considering not returning to football, except for VVV. That is not in line with ambition for me. predict that it was going to be a difficult season after the relegation and I think it’s weird that a contract was extended four months ago and then you come back to it four months later. I think it’s a messy story,” Thal said clearly.

There was regular internal friction at VVV. Thal thinks this may be because Luhukay spent years working in Germany. “He has had a lot of success in Germany and seems to be quite authoritarian. That is very normal in Germany and they accept that there, while here they are more assertive and want to talk.”

Trainers graveyard
The list of trainers that VVV has had over the past twelve years is striking. Only Maurice Steijn was coach of the Venlo team for more than two years. “If you see the list of trainers from recent years, there is hardly any continuity and policy. You can say that there is a trainer cemetery in Venlo.”

Thal does not know how to name a successor, but he is clear about the ambition that VVV must have. “Building is fun, but I think supporters and sponsors want something different after this disaster season: participate in the post-competition. There is no patience in football.”
