Texting across the border while driving: driver’s license lost for two weeks

Just cross the border to do some shopping. Or just go to Belgium to refuel. There are many Brabanders who do that, especially from the border region. But what you should no longer do from February 1 is texting while driving. Because drivers who use their phones while driving will lose their driver’s license if they are caught. And yes, that punishment also applies to Dutch people.

Texting behind the wheel is unwise in any case, but in Belgian Limburg (roughly the area south of Eindhoven) texting behind the wheel is punished extra. Anyone caught will lose their driver’s license for two weeks. The measure will take effect on February 1.

“Anyone who uses their phone or any other mobile device with a screen while driving will have to immediately surrender their driver’s license for fifteen days from February 1, 2024 and will receive a fine,” said a spokesperson for the Public Prosecution Service in Belgium. The driver’s license is kept by the police at the police station and can be picked up again after fifteen days.

Fatal accidents due to texting
The Public Prosecution Service and the police in the Belgian province want this measure to make traffic safer. “According to studies, eight percent of fatal accidents involve mobile phone use. Translated into casualties, this means 50 deaths and 4,500 injuries per year,” the spokesperson explains.

In recent years, there have been regular actions against the use of mobile phones while driving. Many drivers were caught each time. Until now they have been fined, but from February they will be tackled extra.

800,000 euros
If you are caught with a phone in your hand while driving in the Netherlands, you can get a fine of 380 euros. The police here, among other things, use coaches on the highway to fine texting motorists. Two years ago, this generated almost 800,000 euros for the state treasury.


This is why we can’t leave texting behind the wheel

A stubborn woman has been fined seven times for talking on the phone behind the wheel
