Texas will continue to follow the hun children transgender zorg biden

In Texas, the Department of Family and Protective Services, de jeugdzorg van de staat, started with the onderzoeken van ouders that offer hun children transgender zorg. Ze zouden zich daarmee guilty of making a child abuse, volgens nieuwe richtlijnen the onlangs will be carried out by governor Greg Abbott and zijn procureur-generaal Ken Paxton.

Het gaat dan niet om not keerbare slachtsveranderende operaties, which will be carried out by minors in Texas in the praktijk al niet uitgevoerd. The offense occurs in the practical treatment with puberty concerns, which are open to the possibility of zoning operations in the toekomst.

As a result of the guidelines in February, there will be children misbruik, he will be responsible for an official reporting requirement for other children on the job, there is a duty to have children in charge .

Politics wins

One of the first people who were hit by a child is kept from a 16-year-old transgender child, ironically, no longer wanted to work in jeugdzorg. Ze is door haarwerkgever inmiddels op non-actie gesteld. In a legal zaak the ze deze week aanspande, kreeg ze gelijk van de rechter, the het onderzoek stopzette, maar de staat gaat nu weer in Hoger Beroep.

Of de richtlijnen juridisch uiteindelijk standhouden is zeer de vraag. But for Abbott and for Paxton, he also knows that politics will be quoted in a setting name for transgenders. The directive does not apply to the Texaanse Voorverkiezingen, based on the name Paxton, the last had van uitdagers – it would not be possible to win a run-off. The Republic of Ireland is said to be a ‘race to the right’, from the fanatic-conservative deel of het electoraat aan te speak, that disproportioneel vaak komtstemen voor zulke Verkiezingen.


Texas was last year also very wet to the transgender tieners who were committed to the school, they said they were born with the team from Hun. Since he was aware in the state that he was aware that the name of transgender people in the practical dead problems of bezwaren was sorry, there were many criticisms because of that symbol.

Also, the new guidelines include a number of criticisms. According to Rachel Levine, state secretaris van gezondheid in de regering-Biden, kinderarts, and zelf transgender, blijkt uit studies dat transgenderzorg voor tieners levens redt. Zelfdodingspercentages zijn in the group namelijk hoog. “The best children’s arts in the country are eighth to work with, gender-affirming zorg for transgender youth.”
