Texas shooting shooter announced on Facebook that he would attack an elementary school | Texas shooting

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Successively, the young man posted the message that he would shoot his grandmother and then that he had done so. The third message came “no doubt less than 15 minutes before arrival at the school,” Abbott said at a news conference. “I will open fire in an elementary school,” the 18-year-old said.

According to Andy Stone, a spokesperson for Facebook parent company Meta, the messages were private messages to another person. They were discovered after the shooting. He writes that on Twitter. The spokesperson adds that Meta is cooperating with the police. On which platform — Facebook Messenger, Instagram Direct or WhatsApp — the messages were sent, Meta spokespersons did not clarify.

The gunman used an extremely deadly assault weapon, the governor said.

Republican Governor Abbott was interrupted by his Democratic rival Beto O’Rourke, who accused him of doing nothing about gun ownership in the US state. “You’re a sick bastard who would come to a press conference like this to make a political issue,” exclaimed one of Abbott’s people on the podium.

Security guards led O’Rourke out of the room. There, the governor’s candidate told reporters that the parents would like action to be taken. “We can do something now, but if we continue to accept this, then it’s up to us. Then it’s not just the governor’s fault, but ours as well,” he said, according to Reuters news agency. In November, Texans can choose which of the two they want as new governor.
