Tested: This is the best Isofix car seat for toddlers | Consumers Association

What is the best toddler seat with Isofix attachment? And which one has the best value for money? The Consumers’ Association responds.

Children up to 135 centimeters must be in a car seat in the Netherlands. That is until about 9 years old. Car seats are therefore available in different sizes. You choose the right type based on the weight or height of your child. You can also opt for Isofix attachment or belt attachment.

The Consumers’ Association tests car seats in various shapes and sizes for safety and ease of use, among other things. The Consumers’ Association test is more extensive than the statutory admission test.

In total, more than 160 car seats have been tested, which are reasonably to readily available. The toddler seat category is suitable for children from about 9 months to 3.5 to 4 years old. But that differs per seat.

Of the 14 tested toddler seats with Isofix attachment, a Cybex seat came out as Best in the Test. A chair from Joie is Best Buy.

Best in Test: Cybex Anoris T i-Size

The Cybex chair comes out as Best Buy. © Consumer Association

Price: 650 euros
Test verdict: 8.3
Suitable for children from: 76-115 cm

This Cybex seat is suitable for children from about 15 months to 6 years. You can therefore continue to use the chair for longer than average. Your child sits facing forward in the seat.

Most striking is the airbag that is hidden in the catch table. Partly because of this, the seat is very safe and offers excellent protection in the event of a collision. The catch table is a mandatory part and the seat cannot be used without it.

The chair is also easy to use. Fastening your child is easy and the seat is comfortable for your child. The cover can be removed and machine washed.

There are also some drawbacks to the chair. Although the seat lasts longer, it is not exactly cheap. And not every child likes a catch table. You better test that first. The chair also takes up quite a bit of space and is quite heavy at 12 kilos.

Best Buy: Joie i-Spin 360 E

Joie's chair comes out Best in the test.
Joie’s chair comes out Best in the test. © Consumer Association

target price: 390 euros
Test verdict: 7.8
Suitable for children from: 61-105 cm

Unlike the ‘Best in Test’, this seat from Joie can be used both backwards and forwards. This way you can transport your child ‘rear facing’ until the legroom is too limited. From the age of 15 months you can also use the seat facing forward, but rearward facing is safer and preferred.

The seat has no catch table and no airbag, so the protection in a frontal collision cannot match the Best in Test. But the protection is just fine. It is handy that you can turn the seat sideways, which makes getting your child in and out easier. The seat is also easy to use and offers sufficient comfort for your child. The cover can be removed and machine washed.

A disadvantage of the chair is that it is very heavy. With almost 14 kilos even heavier than the Best in the Test. In addition, the leg support is not ideal and the view for your child is somewhat limited.


In this section we write weekly about household and technological appliances that are used by the Consumers Association have been tested. This is a collaboration between the independent editors of this site and the Consumer Association.

The Consumer Association tests thousands of products every year, together with qualified technicians specialized laboratories at home and abroad. The products that are tested are listed in the store bought so they are not pre-manipulated by manufacturers.

New models are tested as soon as possible after introduction. How fast that is varies per product. The Best of the Test is the product with the best test judgment, which is readily available. This is also possible be a somewhat older model, because a newer model is not always better. The Best Buy it is product with the best value for money.

The stated price of a product is the lowest retail price at the moment as far as known to the Consumers Association. But prices can vary from day to day. If no recent retail price is known is called the target price.
