Terrorist attack on Tel Aviv seafront

The assassin is said to have tried to run over passers-by with his car.  He then opened fire

The assassin is said to have tried to run over passers-by with his car. He then opened fire Photo: REUTERS/Nir Elias

By Antonia Yamin and René Garzke

Brutal terror attack on Tel Aviv’s beach promenade: The attacker first tried to run over people with a car. Then, according to initial reports, he opened fire and rolled over.

An Italian (about 30 years old) was killed in the attack and at least five other people were injured. All victims are tourists!

A video shows security forces shooting at the attacker. According to authorities, he was killed. According to the police, he is an Arab with Israeli citizenship. It said he worked in Tel Aviv and knew the area well.

Police forces examine the car wreck of the assassin

Police forces examine the car wreck of the assassin Photo: REUTERS/Nir Elias

According to the newspaper ” Haaretz “ the 44-year-old assassin has not previously been noticed by crimes.

The government of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu (73) mobilized the border police reserve after the attack and instructed the military to provide additional forces.

Just a few hours earlier there had been another terrorist attack in the West Bank: Two British-Israeli sisters were shot dead. Her mother suffered serious injuries.


Israel News Tel Aviv Terror Terrorist Attack Terrorism
