Terminally ill Shannen Doherty is remembered as a teenage star whose career was ruined by tantrums

Shannen Doherty was one of the biggest TV stars of the 90s.

Shannen Doherty is seriously ill. PDO

Beverly Hills 90210 was a series that made young people tap the TV screen and always wait for a new episode. In the 90s there were no streaming services, so you had to wait for the episodes.

The series Beverly Hills 90210 told about the Walsh family who moved from Minnesota to Beverly Hills.

“I was an asshole”

Adapting to a new environment was not easy, especially for Brandon, the teenage children in the family (Jason Priestley) and for Brenda (Shannen Doherty). And adapting wasn’t easy for Doherty in real life either.

He quickly gained a reputation as a difficult colleague.

– There is one word to describe my behavior. I was a badass, Doherty said of Entertainment Week in the interview.

Doherty says he has always been a brutally honest person, and at times this has turned against him.

– It’s a trait I can’t change in myself, and it’s also a trait I like.

Doherty was simultaneously on the posters and covers of youth magazines, but his life was bubbling.

Doherty argued with his castmates, partied wildly and changed relationships on the fly.

Shannen Doherty and Jason Priestley were the main stars of Beverly Hills 90210. PDO

Out of series

Finally, the producers of the series had enough, and Brenda was written out of the series in 1994. She managed to act in the series for four years.

The producer of the series was a Hollywood mogul Aaron Spelling. Aaron’s daughter Tori Spelling also starred in the series, and Tori herself has told how she had a part in Doherty’s firing.

Doherty particularly took issue with his portrayal of Kelly Jennie Garth with. The arguments were so violent that they had become physical.

Tori told her father Aaron about it.

– I feel that I am a part of the one who paid for a person’s livelihood. But was he (Doherty) a horrible person? No, he was one of the best friends I ever had, Tori Spelling said in an interview.

Doherty’s acting career had already started before the super popular Beverly Hills 90210 series. He already acted at a young age in several series, the most significant of which was a role in the Little House on the Prairie series. He was 10 years old at the time.

The roles really followed, and an almost global breakthrough happened in the 90s in the Beverly Hills 90210 series.

For a long time, Doherty had a reputation as a difficult actor and it was not easy to get new, big roles.

Brian Austin Green (left), Tori Spelling, Luke Perry, Shannen Doherty, Jason Priestley, Gabrielle Carteris Jennie Garth and Ian Ziering in Beverly Hills 90210. PDO

A couple of years after leaving the series, Doherty got a big role in the Siskoni on noita series. He starred in 67 episodes from 1998 to 2001.

This was followed by roles in smaller series.

The roars also started to subside little by little.

Three marriages

Doherty first married in 1993 an actress Ashley Hamilton with. The union lasted only one year.

Marriage poker player by Rick Salomon with also lasted only at the beginning of the 2000s.

Photographer Kurt Iswarienko and Doherty’s marriage lasted significantly longer, 11 years.

Doherty filed for divorce in April.

– Divorce is the last thing Shannen wanted. Unfortunately, he had no other choice, Doherty’s rep told People magazine.

The last few years have been very difficult for Doherty. In 2018, his Malibu home was damaged in a fire.

Shannen Doherty was diagnosed with cancer in 2015. PDO

In early 2015, Doherty received even worse news. She was diagnosed with breast cancer. The diagnosis was made very late, as the cancer had already spread to the lymph nodes.

– I was in the car with my mother and I had just talked to my doctor about it. At first I thought I’d tell my husband face to face, but I couldn’t wait. I picked up my phone and called him, Doherty said in an interview with Entertainment Tonight.

Shannen spoke openly about the different stages of her cancer on her Instagram as well. He was given radiation and cytostatic treatment as well as surgery. With the treatments, he lost his hair. The treatments helped and the cancer was said to be in remission.

In 2020, Doherty said the cancer had recurred. And at the beginning of June, 52-year-old Doherty said that the cancer had spread to his brain.

The news was shared with an emotional video of Doherty crying as she underwent radiation treatment.

– The fear, the turmoil, the timing of everything. This is what cancer can look like, Doherty wrote to Instagram.
