Teresa Guccini like Fedez: “without blood donors I wouldn’t be here”

The singer-songwriter’s daughter joins Fedez’s exhortation and talks about her traumatic experience on Instagram

Editorial board

Inspired by Fedez’s words, Teresa Guccinidaughter of the famous singer-songwriter Francesco, decided to entrust her testimony to Instagram, accompanied by a touching black and white image taken in a hospital bed: “Without blood donors, I wouldn’t be here to tell my story“. These words were spoken in response to Fedez’s statements, demonstrating the importance that blood donation has for people’s lives.

a troubled history

Teresa Guccini’s bad experience began on the 15th December 2022. In the photo, she is holding her baby in her arms, while the cannula is still inserted into her nose. It was the time of her return from the intensive care unit to the obstetrics room, and her first meeting with her baby, which occurred one day after her birth. His condition was very serious. “I was literally devastated and (at) times without memory,” she posted on her Instagram account. “I write these lines inspired by what happened in Fedez because I too, without the blood donors, would not be here to tell my story and it is therefore I have to thank them. There is another reason why I write, namely the importance of giving birth in equipped third level hospital facilities.”


“Mine was a perfect pregnancy and I had a natural birth” wrote Teresa Guccini, 45. “And yet, when I expelled the placenta, I had a very serious hemorrhage estimated at around 2200cc which made my hemoglobin drop to 4. Having my hemoglobin at 4 suddenly (the minimum is 12) means being at one step away from leaving. It took me months to process what happened because in the joy of birth I didn’t think about myself. I was taken immediately to the operating room and from there I don’t remember anything anymore. I woke up in intensive care the next day immobilized and intubated and without Pietro, confused and without really knowing what had happened. It was difficult but without 4 blood transfusions and the readiness of the anesthetists, obstetricians, gynecologists and resuscitators […] I couldn’t have done it“.

the appeal to donate blood

Donating blood is essential” concluded Teresa. “Just as relying on organized structures to give birth because during a natural birth many things can happen and being far from resuscitation and neonatal resuscitation can turn for the worse the outcome of things. Giving birth at home it may be romantic but I don’t think it’s a wise choice for your own good and that of your child in times when seconds make the difference. I missed the most beautiful moments, the quiet ones after a natural birth, the ones in which you enjoy your baby on your belly and realize you’ve had a birth, but I can say that I was lucky in my bad luck.” Then, the gratitude: “I thank all the hospital staff and donors who have me permission to tell you about it“.
