Ter Apel registration center too full again, 32 people sleep on a chair

Last night 32 people spent on chairs in a waiting area of ​​the application center for asylum seekers in Ter Apel, says a spokesperson for the Central Agency for the Reception of Asylum Seekers (COA). These people arrived last night and no bed was available for them. COA also sent 75 people to the Amsterdam crisis emergency shelter and 86 people went to other locations via the regular outflow.

Ter Apel has room for 2,000 people. In the night from Tuesday to Wednesday, 2,144 people stayed overnight. These are people who have just registered as asylum seekers in the Netherlands. The intention is that these people are quickly sent to other asylum seekers’ centers, but because they are also full, the flow does not always go well.

On Monday evening, the 25 security regions in the Netherlands announced that 150 reception places per region will be added within the next three weeks.
