Teo Mammucari and Thais Wiggers: flashback?

Tand or Mammucari And Thais Wiggers they have been separated for years. But a recent photo of them – in which they are at dinner together with their daughter Julia – is giving hope to many fans a flashback. It will be like this?

The love story between Teo Mammucari and Thais Wiggers

The conductor of Hyenas and the former tissue of Strip the News they are no longer a couple for a long time. In fact, the two had a beautiful love story between 2006 and 2009. Since then, according to what the two told, they have remained in contact only for the good of the their daughter Julia. Who is now attending the first year of art school.

In these years, after their separation, we never got to see Mammucari and Wiggers together again. Now, however, a photograph published by the same showgirl has fueled the hopes of those who saw them as a beautiful couple.

The photo at the restaurant: «Especially family»

The former tissue, in fact, shared with his Instagram audience a shot in which he is at the restaurant with his daughter and the conductor. The three are smiling and Thais Souza Wiggers (who, after the relationship with the conductor has been engaged with Paul Baccaglini) rests her hand on Mammucari’s arm. As a description of the post just a couple of words: «Above all, family». Right after the emoji of a red heart. And a hashtag: #papàmammafiglia.

Many have commented on the photograph complimenting the two, witnesses to the fact that one can remain good friends even after a separation. Others, however, have seen in the publication of this post the possibility of a flashback between the two.

Teo Mammucari at the Auditorium Parco della Musica. (Getty Images)

The words of Mammucari a very true: «We were never really united»

In an interview from a couple of months ago to very true, the character of Tú yes que vales had revealed some details of his relationship with Thais (whom he had known when she was the blonde tissue on the counter Strip).

“We have a parental relationship. We have lunch every now and then. It’s not easy and it wasn’t easy why we were never really united» he said.

And with respect to the decision to separate. «Children are made at the right time but today we are happy. We have a healthy relationship but it can’t be good… If the relationship was good, why are you separating? However, separations are needed. Behind every suffering there is growth. When I see suffering coming, I always think I’m learning from this experience.”

He concluded by opening up about his relationship with his daughter Julia. “I am a very attentive father. I joke with her all the time and I can’t treat her like a grown person. She is no longer a child: she is a teenager. She is 14 years old. To me she is a little girl. I’m jealous? No, I’m not… But I’m protective. I have to know where you are.’

