Tension over Mirtha Legrand’s return to TV

The Mirtha Legrand’s return to TV is in negotiation. However, the conversations between Nacho Vialehis grandson and producer, with The thirteen they are not being easy. It is not the first time that there is tension in the negotiations, in 2021 he had to intervene Carlos rottemberg to calm things down.

Viale would be the toughest in the negotiation today. The original plan was for Mirtha to do the program on Saturday nights and her granddaughter, Juana, for Sunday lunches. However, not only do the numbers not close, but he would have stated that Juana does not want that space but another. The counterproposal of channel was that they closed a contract only for Mirtha, but that is not what the producer wants. Adrian Suar, the programming manager of the signal personally takes care of the matter but nobody knows what will happen.

In parallel, last week Viale had a meeting with authorities from America TV in which the head of the commercial area of ​​his production company, StoryLab, and Marta Buchanan. These days, he is preparing a formal proposal. Meanwhile, “Chiqui” waits know if you will be able to return in April as you wish.

by RN

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