Tens of thousands of demonstrators in Paris against high inflation

Tens of thousands of people took to the streets in Paris on Sunday to protest rising prices. The Paris police are against it French media about 30,000 protesters. The AFP news agency also counted about 29,500 people, although the organization of the protest march speaks of about 140,000 attendees.

The march against ‘the high cost of living’ was called by NUPES, the alliance of left-wing opposition parties. The parties want a “better wealth distribution” in France and question the policies of President Emmanuel Macron.

Leader of the radical left party LFI Jean-Luc Mélenchon had already announced the idea of ​​a large-scale protest in July. Mélenchon also called on Sunday for a “general strike” for higher wages on Tuesday, October 18. Several trade unions have already joined. The strike is expected to be particularly noticeable in the transport sector and public transport.

Also read about the ongoing strikes at oil companies: France oil strikes continue despite consultations

yellow vests

Many joined the procession in Paris on Sunday, including Nobel Prize winner for literature Annie Ernaux. There were also people wearing yellow vests, a reference to the large-scale anti-government protests in France in 2018. According to French media, the police feared “violent ultra-left demonstrators” on Sunday. There would have been a few incidents, such as smashed windows or smashed billboards.

Dissatisfaction with the high prices has also manifested itself in ongoing strikes at French oil refineries, including TotalEnergies, in recent weeks, which has caused fuel shortages at filling stations. The strikers are demanding compensation for their rising living costs, while the oil companies themselves are making record profits thanks to the energy crisis.
