Tennis shock! World number one Ashleigh Barty retires

She was number 1 in the world tennis rankings for 114 weeks and won for Australia in Melbourne for the first time in a long time: Ashleigh Barty has now surprisingly announced the end of her career.

Tennis world number one Ashleigh Barty surprisingly announced the end of her career. “Today is a difficult day full of emotions for me as I announce my departure from tennis,” the 25-year-old Australian wrote on Instagram on Wednesday. “I am so grateful for everything this sport has given me and I say goodbye with pride and fulfillment. Thank you to everyone who has supported me along the way.”

At the beginning of March, Barty had already announced that she would not be taking part in the prestigious tennis tournaments in Indian Wells and Miami. After winning the Australian Open, she was not yet physically ready for the events, she emphasized.

At the end of January, Barty ensured a home triumph in Melbourne for the first time since 1978. In total, she has won three Grand Slams in her career. Before the Australian Open, she had already won Wimbledon and the French Open.

Barty had already interrupted her career for almost two years at the age of 18 and took a break. Upon her return in May 2016, she quickly rose to become a top player and has now been at the top of the world rankings for 114 weeks. Only three players have held the number one spot longer than Barty, who turns 26 in a month.

Australians shocked by announcement

In Australia, the news of the end of the career of tennis world number one Ashleigh Barty spread like wildfire. Media Down Under spoke of a “shocking announcement”. The Australian Open said the 25-year-old’s career had inspired the whole world. “Thank you Ash Barty for everything. We wish you all the best in your (tennis) retirement and will always be here to cheer you on for the next chapter in your life.”

The Prime Minister of Queensland, where Barty was born, took to Twitter to congratulate the 25-year-old on her “incredible career”. Barty is “a champion on and off the tennis court” and a great role model, emphasized Annastacia Palaszczuk. “Thank you for inspiring us all to do our best.”

Australian Health Minister Greg Hunt spoke on social networks of a “great career” that culminated in the “incredible victory” at the Australian Open. Ash Barty will go down in Australian sports history.
