Tennis player Tim van Rijthoven gets wild card for Wimbledon

Tim van Rijthoven from Roosendaal receives a wild card for Wimbledon. That reports his manager. The tennis player won the Libéma Open in Rosmalen last Sunday, an unparalleled achievement for the relatively unknown name in the tennis world until last week. With his participation in Wimbledon, Van Rijthoven already earns 58,000 euros.

That Van Rijthoven can now go to the prestigious tennis tournament in London is a dream come true. Van Rijthoven owes the wildcard to his tournament victory last week in Rosmalen, where he beat the Russian Daniil Medvedev, the current number 1 in the world, in the final.

Van Rijthoven reached the quarterfinals of the junior tournament in London in 2014. There was no breakthrough, partly due to injuries. “The fact that he now receives this wild card as a foreign player is quite special,” says his manager.

Thanks to the win of the Libéma Open, Van Rijthoven rose in the world ranking to place 106. De Brabander was supposed to participate in a British challenger in Ilkley this week, but he has withdrawn from that.

Proud parents
Father Ton van Rijthoven was already proud of the wildcard his son received for Libéma. “Getting a wildcard and then accomplishing this, it’s bizarre. And I would have said that about every tennis player, I’m not saying this because he’s my son.”


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