Tennis association returns to China after riot around Shuai Peng: ‘Will not achieve our goals’ | Tennis

Tennis association WTA is going to organize professional tournaments in China again. The umbrella association of women’s tennis lifts after sixteen months the suspension it imposed in December 2021 after the mysterious disappearance of Chinese tennis star Peng Shuai.

Peng was not heard from for nearly three weeks at the end of 2021 after accusing former Deputy Prime Minister Zhang Gaoli of sexual abuse. Peng later stated that she had been at home and that no restrictions had been placed on her.

The WTA canceled the tournaments in China over concerns for the safety of the former world number 1 in doubles. The association called for a formal investigation into the allegations and wanted a private meeting with Peng.

Failure to comply with requests

Sixteen months later, the WTA’s requests have still not been met, but the tennis association has also concluded that further suspension of the tournaments makes no sense. That is too much at the expense of tennis players and tournaments. That is why tournaments will be organized in China again from this fall.

“We will never fully achieve the desired goals and it is our players and tournaments who ultimately pay an extraordinary price for their sacrifices,” said the WTA, which now has information that Peng “lives safely with her family in Beijing.”

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