Tenants are encouraged by the province of Drenthe to save energy, Woonconcept supports the action

After several energy-saving campaigns for homeowners, the province is now also trying to enthuse tenants to make the houses in which they live more energy-efficient.

For example, by sticking draft tape and radiator foil, they quickly save 100 euros per year on their energy bill. That is why, in the coming period, packages with draft tape and radiator foil will be distributed to various residents with social housing.

Living concept

The province has written to all Drenthe housing associations in Drenthe with the question whether they want to distribute packages with draft strips, radiator foil and scratch cards among their tenants. „This as an extra service within the campaign Drenthe on its way to energy neutral, Just Zo”, says spokesperson Alies Klomp of the province of Drenthe. A number of housing associations, including Woonconcept, are participating in this action. “However, the corporations cannot provide all their tenants with a package and see for themselves how they do the distribution, among which tenants and when.”

In addition, tenants receive a flyer scratch card on which they can discover how much money they save with other measures. For example, by taking shorter showers, using light bulbs or turning down the thermostat. According to the province, anyone who is a tenant but has not received a package can do something relatively easily. “Draught tape and radiator foil can be obtained from the hardware store for a few euros. On the website ordinaryzodrenthe.nl/huurders shows how you can use this at home. More tips on saving energy can be found here.”
