Ten years of King Willem-Alexander: the eternal tension between politics and monarchy

In April 2023, Willem-Alexander will be king of the Netherlands for ten years. His jubilee takes place against the background of declining popularity figures for the king and the constitutional monarchy as a form of government.

In this Hague Affairs you will hear from Bart Funnekotter and Titia Ketelaar about that constitutional monarchy. We discuss the origins and predecessors of the current king. And we talk about Willem-Alexander’s tenth anniversary and how political the king’s role is.

@apjvalk // @titia_k // @BartFunnekotter

Listen further

A year with the King

Why Rutte is responsible for the behavior of the King

Read further

Safe conversations about ten years of kingship in the podcast with Willem-Alexander

Do you have questions, suggestions or ideas about our journalism? Then email our ombudsman at [email protected].

Gus Valk
Bart Funnekotter & Titia Ketelaar
Editorial & Production:
Iris Verhulsdonk & Vita van Lennep
Peter Baker
Koen van Weel/EPA
