ten Barcelonans pronounce themselves on the annulment

  • After the annulment of the vehicle restriction by the Superior Court of Justice of Catalonia, citizens of Barcelona give their vision

After this Monday the Superior Court of Justice of Catalonia (TSJC) knock down the star proposal against the contamination of Ada Colauthe city of Barcelona is threatened by Low Emissions Zone (ZBE), although for now it is still in force because the sentence is not final. The system is intended for limit the circulation of the most polluting vehicles. The initiative, which has been judicially rejected for affecting an excessive number of vehicles, has been received with a bittersweet on the part of the citizens.

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Ten voices on the ZBE that are summarized as follows: “If it is good for health, it makes no sense to remove it.”

“It was a good initiative but poorly managed, today with all the economic problems that exist if you put a condition like this, you have to give financial aid to benefit to buy a car that can enter the zero emission zone & rdquor ;, says the 24-year-old Marta Samaniego. “We have been with the low emission zone for a long time and there has never been any problem, so I don’t understand why they have knocked it down now& rdquor ;, says Enrique González, 64 years old. What is clear is that there a shared opinion and it is that the people of Barcelona are in favor of measures that favor the defense of the environment.
