Ten arrests in Amsterdam in the event of unrest after Morocco’s World Cup win

The police arrested a total of ten people in Amsterdam on Tuesday evening during the unrest after Morocco’s victory over Spain in the eighth final of the World Cup. One person was arrested for throwing fireworks at an aid worker. Police are not ruling out multiple arrests.

On Tuesday evening, celebrations were held in several places in the city after Morocco qualified for the quarterfinals of the most important football tournament in the world for the first time in history. A large group of supporters gathered around the Mercatorplein, Plein ’40-’45 and part of the Burgemeester De Vlugtlaan.

In the course of the evening, the atmosphere on Mercatorplein changed and heavy fireworks were set off, after which Mayor Halsema issued an emergency order there. Finally, to restore peace to the square, the Mobile Unit intervened.


The police have announced that they will take strict action against the criminal offenses committed on Tuesday evening. “It should be clear: violence against aid workers and our allies, such as neighborhood fathers and mothers, youth workers and traffic controllers, is unacceptable.”

The police are investigating and are asking people who know more about the identity of the ‘rioters’ to come forward. Local residents with dashcams or video doorbells are also asked to share the images with the police.
