Temporary shark swimming ban near Barcelona | Abroad

It was a shortfin mako shark, also known as a mako shark. It’s one of the fastest sharks out there, but it’s also very rare. According to the municipality of Sitges, the temporary closure of the beach was a precautionary measure. The animal was not aggressive and there are no known cases of attacks on humans.

The beaches where swimming restrictions were in place were la Fragata, la Ribera, la Bassa Rodona and l’Estanyol, the municipality said on Twitter. According to protocol, the red flag was hoisted on the beaches. After about two hours, the coast was declared safe again, but authorities are keeping an extra close eye on the water.

The shark species can swim up to 70 kilometers per hour. The animal can grow between 3.5 and 4 meters in length. In the Mediterranean region, the species is classified as ‘critically endangered’.

It is already the second time this month that a shark has been spotted near the Costas. Divers filmed a 2.5-meter-long ‘small’ shark near the village of Garraf on July 3, during an expedition of the Cetàcea association, which observes marine animals along the Catalan coast. According to the organization, it was the first time in ten years that a shortfin mako shark had been spotted in the region. It may be the same shark that has now been spotted in Sitges.

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